Christmas Land

901 41 3

3rd person POV

"This has never happened before!" The Clown exclaimed in worry. The town had already heard of the Skellington's disappearance, and they were extremely worried for them.

"It's suspicious." A Witch nodded at the clown, completely agreeing with him.

"It's peculiar." The tiny Witch commented to the Vampires.

"It's scary." The Vampires said in sync.

"Stand aside. Coming through." The Mayor said as he pushed away the Wolfman and Behemoth so he could get through.

He still had his worried face on as he climbed on his car, standing on it and taking out his megaphone.

"We've got to find y/n and Jack!" The Mayor declared as he stared at every monster. "There's only 365 days left till next Halloween!" He reminded them.

"Three sixty-four!" The Wolfman corrected him, but the Mayor ignored it.

"Is there anywhere we've forgotten to check?" The Mayor asked everyone, looking at them with hope.

"I looked in every mausoleum." The Clown answered.

"We opened the sarcophagi!" The Witches announced.

"I tromped through the pumpkin patch." Mr. Hyde said, walking over with a pumpkin on his foot.

"I peeked behind the cyclops' eye." Vampire 1 said while taking his own eye out, soon putting it back in. "I did! But he wasn't there." He shook his head.

"It's time to sound the alarms." The Mayor declared. Mummy Boy grabbed the tail of the alarm cat and began to crank it, making the cat mewl in alarm.

From a tower, Sal heard the alarm, secretly becoming worried by the sound. He guessed that they couldn't find Jack or y/n.

He sighed as he walked over towards his cabinet, opening the door and taking out the jar of Deadly Night Shade. He smiled as he looked at the jar, soon nodding to himself in approval.

He walked over to the cauldron he was cooking soup in. He poured some Night Shade in the soup, making it steam up with a horrendous odor.

Sal silently gagged, plugging his nose as he grabbed another jar.

"Frog's breath will overpower any odor." He muttered as he opened the jar, making a frog poke its head out.

Sal grimaced as he tipped the jar, the frog burping into the soup. Sal soon started to cough, putting the jar away and dizzily walking back towards his cabinet.

"Worm's wart. But where, where is that worm's wart?" He mumbled, frantically trying to search for the ingredient.

He soon smiled when he had found the Worm's Wart. "Sal? Is that soup ready yet?" Finkelstein asked from upstairs, making Sal tense up a bit.

He walked back to the cauldron, pouring in the Worm's Wart inside the soup, making it smell better.

He sighed in relief, looking up to answer his creator. "Coming!" He yelled back.


Finkelstein looked through a microscope, looking at blueprints for another creation.

He soon backed away from the microscope, lifting up his top and scratching his brain in thought.

"Lunch!" Sal yelled as he walked up the stairs, holding the bowl of soup for Finkelstein. He walked over towards his table, setting the bowl down in front of him with a smile.

He hoped this would work again, he wanted to go look for y/n himself. Surely he could find her. After all, he saw her and Jack walking towards the forest the day before they were proclaimed missing.

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