Steal... Christmas?

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3rd person POV

The meeting had soon ended, and everyone had already gone to their respective homes. Especially Jack and y/n.

The siblings were both in their pajamas, doing some research on the Christmas holiday. Jack wore traditional pajamas, but y/n wore a nice long f/c nightgown.

She lightly yawned as she read a book, rubbing her eyes tiredly to rid them of tiredness.

Jack hummed as he closed a book and grabbed another one, y/n watching as he opened the next one up.

He looked up from his book, noticing how tired his sister was. Makes sense, they have been walking all night long yesterday.

He slightly chuckled and nudged her foot with his. She looked at him, blinking tiredly as she hummed in response.

"Go to sleep. I'll tell you what we'll be doing tomorrow morning." He smiled at her, but she looked at him hesitantly.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to do this all by yourself." She said in worry, trying to cover up a yawn, but failed miserably.

Jack smiled at her and nodded. "I'm sure. You go rest up. I have way more energy than you right now anyway." He smiled smugly making y/n roll her eyes at him playfully.

She got up off the floor and walked towards her room, closing the door and leaving Jack to search the books by himself.

Jack soon picked up a book that read, 'RUDOLF THE RED NOSE REINDEER'.

He hummed in thought as he closed it back up, looking around his room. His eyes settled on a sleeping Zero.

"There's got to be a logical way to explain this Christmas thing." He said to himself, putting a finger under his chin in thought.

He soon lit up and turned around slightly to grab something. Once he turned back around, he had a book in his hands. 'THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD', it read.

He flipped page after page, soon getting an idea. He nodded to himself, stroking his chin as he planned to tell y/n in the morning.


Morning soon came, and in Finkelstein's tower, the Doctor was scolding Sal from the boy's room.

He held an ice pack to his head, slightly glaring at the distraught Sal. "You've poisoned me for the last time, you wretched boy." He snarled, closing the door to Sal's room and locking it.

He sighed, but soon flinched when his doorbell rang. "Oh, my head!" He whined as he made his wheelchair move closer towards the ramp, but he didn't actually go down. "The door is open!" He yelled out.

The door opened and in came in Jack with y/n behind him. "Hello!" Jack called out as y/n smiled up at Finkelstein.

"Jack and y/n Skellington! Up here, you two." Finkelstein smiled down at the siblings, his anger subsiding once they walked up the ramp.

"Doctor, we need to borrow some equipment." Y/n informed him, walking closer towards the Doctor.

She slightly looked around, hoping that Sal was peeking from behind a wall somewhere. To be honest, she found it quite cute how shy he was. But to her disappointment, he wasn't anywhere.

"Is that so? Whatever for?" Finkelstein's question made y/n look at him, shaking away her thoughts.

"We're conducting a series of experiments." Jack informed him as the Doctor moved his wheelchair towards them both.

"How perfectly marvelous! Curiosity killed the cat, you know." Finkelstein joked making y/n chuckle at him.

"We know." They both said.

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