Mr. Oogie Boogie

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3rd person POV

Jack looked at himself in the mirror as Sal helped him put the finishing touches on his costume.

Y/n sighed as she fixed his beard, straightening it out because it looked crooked. "You don't look like yourself, Jack, not at all." Sal commented as he sewed on the fluff on his sleeves.

"Isn't that wonderful? It couldn't be more wonderful!" Jack grinned, taking Sal's comment as a complement.

"But you're the Pumpkin King! And I'm the Pumpkin Queen. We were made for Halloween!" Y/n exclaimed as she grabbed Jack's portrait. She flipped the page and showed him his usual outfit, but he snatched the portrait from her hands.

"Not anymore. And I feel so much better now!" Hack smiled while breaking the picture in two, throwing them on the floor.

Sal and y/n shared a worried glance. "Jack, I know you think something's missing, but...." Sal started to say as he kept on sewing, but he accidentally pricked Jack's finger making him pull his hand back in pain.

"Ow!" Jack yelped, slightly sucking his finger.

"Sorry." Sal quickly apologized.

Y/n looked at Sal and sent him a reassuring look, making him smile back at her slightly.

"You're right. Something is missing, but what?" Jack said, thinking Sal meant he was missing something from his costume. Y/n shook her head at her brother. "I've got the beard, the
coat, the boots, the belt." He hummed while looking at himself in the mirror.

"Jack, Jack, this time we bagged him." Shock, Lock and Barrel yelled from behind the three, making them turn around.

Sure enough, they had a huge bag in the bathtub. "This time we really did!" Lock exclaimed in joy as they brought over the man.

Y/n slightly gasped in shock, going over towards the bag with her brother. "He sure is big, Jack!" Barrel commented behind his mask.

"And heavy!" Shock whined as she and Lock pulled on the strings. And out came Sandy Claws.

"Let me out!" Sandy Claws yelled while popping half of his body out from the bag.

Everyone gasped in shock after seeing him, but y/n felt nothing but guilt. "Sandy Claws in
person! What a pleasure to meet you!" Jack greeted the man with a grin. Jack then took hold of one of his hands, shaking it as he observed it up close.

"Wh... Why, you have hands! You don't have claws at all!" Jack chuckled at the misunderstanding. Sandy Claws couldn't tell who was talking to him, because his hat was over his eyes. But when he uncovered his eyes, he couldn't help but be confused.

"Wha... Where am I?" Sandy Claws asked while looking around.

"Surprised, aren't you? I knew you would be." Jack smiled at him, gesturing to the decorations.

"I don't think that's the reason for his perplexed look, Jack." Y/n said, but Jack just waved her off.

"You don't need to have another worry about Christmas this year." Jack assured Sandy Claws as he looked around at all of the 'Christmas' preparations.

"Wha... Well, wha... Wha...." Sandy Claws stuttered, not knowing what to say.

"Consider this a vacation, Sandy, a reward." Jack said, bending down so he could be at eye level with Sandy. "It's your turn to take it easy."

"B-But there must be some mistake!" Sandy exclaimed, absolutely stunned by the preposterous things coming out of Jack's mouth.

"See that he's comfortable." Jack told Shock, Lock and Barrel. Just as they were about to close the bag back up, Jack stopped them. "Just a second, fellas. Of course!" He snapped his fingers. "That's what I'm missing!" He said as he grabbed Sandy's hat, putting it on his own head.

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