Day 10: Lasers

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//animal abuse

Zane looked up from his phone when he heard a meow

He looked over to the cat.

It was an orange cat the Garte had got for Garroth to surprise him while he was at some athlete's thing with his school for a weekend

Zane smiled, an idea coming to him.
He grabbed a laser pointer off the table and started playing with the cat

He made the cat chase the laser throughout the living room and kitchenHe thought of something when the cat accidentally hit the garbage disposal switch, turning it on

The cat had jumped away from the sudden noise but immediately forgot about it when the red laser shined right above the drain

The cat tried to get it and missed, its arms going straight into the blades

Zane smiled to himself as he heard the cat scream and he walked over to it, talking to it in a baby voice to try and trick it into thinking he was sorry

Zane took the cat out, turning off the garbage disposal

The cat was too hurt to try and scratch Zane with its back paws, as its front paws had just been torn off

Zane walked a few feet to the other side of the kitchen, opening the microwave

He put the cat inside and then quickly closed the door, hitting '1' and then '0' three times, setting it to ten minutes

Zane checked the time, Garroth would be home in 8 minutes.

Zane smiled even more as he went up to his room

He grabbed his phone charger, changed into some different clothes, and then wrote something on a sticky note

"I went out because I'm bored
my phone is dead rn so i couldnt text any of you
Ill be back later- ZR 3pm"

It was 4:52 pm, and he was hoping that leaving the note would convince his parents that he wasn't home when the cat got fucked up

Zane left, walking to a small cafe. he plugged his phone into an outlet by the table he was sitting at, as this cafe provided places to plug things in

After about ten minutes Garte texted Zane, sending him a video of Garroth walking in as soon as the microwave went off and seeing his now-dead cat, which was meant to be a gift

Zane smiled as he took the laser pointer out of his pocket, twisting it between his fingers

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