AI co-write: The Pirates, the whalers and the Fire: part 3

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part 3 of an old oneshot from my old octonauts oneshot book...


Kwazii sighed, feeling sad... his grandfather, Calico Jack... was gone, they arrived at the island that the map said... they looked around until they found a cave, where the treasure layed... a pile of gold and gems, and some photos... of kwazii, his father and Calico Jack... 

Kwazii cried, as he remembered Calico Jack's death... 

-Flashback: beginning-

Kwazii and Peso held Calico Jack's hands and waiting for him to open his eyes. Suddenly, they heard a beeping sound. Kwazii looked at his grandfather's vitals. He saw that his heart rate was dropping rapidly.

"Grandfather!" Kwazii cried, shaking his paw.

Peso checked the monitor and gasped. He saw that Calico Jack was going into cardiac arrest.

"Kwazii, we have to do something! He's having a heart attack!" Peso said, grabbing a defibrillator. he quickly placed the pads on Calico Jack's chest and pressed the button. A jolt of electricity ran through his body.

"Come on, come on, wake up!" Peso said, hoping for a miracle. Kwazii held his breath and prayed. He hoped that his grandfather would survive. He hoped that he would get a chance to tell him how much he loved him. But nothing happened. The monitor flatlined. Calico Jack was gone. "" Kwazii whispered, tears streaming down his face.

-Flashback: ending-

Kwazii and Peso buried Calico Jack's body on the island, next to a palm tree. They placed a wooden cross with his name on it, and some flowers. They said their final goodbyes, and thanked him for everything he had done for them.

They returned to the octopod, where the rest of the octonauts were waiting for them. They hugged them and comforted them, and told them how sorry they were for their loss.

They decided to have a memorial service for Calico Jack, and invited some of his old friends and allies. They shared stories and memories of him, and celebrated his life and legacy.

Kwazii felt a mix of emotions. He was sad, angry, confused, and lonely. He missed his grandfather so much. He wished he could see him again, and hear his voice, and laugh with him.

But he also felt proud, grateful, and happy. He was proud of his grandfather's achievements and adventures. He was grateful for his grandfather's love and guidance. He was happy that his grandfather had lived a full and exciting life.

He realized that his grandfather was not really gone. He was still alive in his heart, and in his memories. He smiled, as he looked at the photos of him and his grandfather. He felt a warm feeling in his chest.

He knew that his grandfather was watching over him, from somewhere beyond the sea. He knew that his grandfather would always be with him, in spirit.

He whispered to the sky: "I love you, Grandfather. And I'll never forget you."

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