Chapter 9 - Holding to Grudges

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Five days of sitting with boredom, ignoring my father, and occasionally hanging out with Johnny at the lot went by quickly and I still felt as if I was in a dream, like it wasn't real. I now sat still in my bed, mindlessly staring at the ceiling as the sun slowly came up, peaking slightly through the window and tickling my forehead with yellow light.

"Y/n." I shot up from my bed and shuffled to face the door. I sighed at the sight of my fatigued father who peered through the slightly open door. "Yeah?" The annoyance was clear in my voice. "I made breakfast." His voice grew kinder. I rolled my eyes at his demeanor, for it felt fake.

"I'm not that hungry." I sat with my head set to my palms. "Please, I would like to spend time with you, get caught up on things." He pleaded with a slight laugh. "Fine." I stood angrily with crossed arms as I walked a small distance through my room and into the main room of the house. Once again making sure as to not graze my father as I passed by him.

He closed my door and walked to the kitchen, coming to the front of the stove where a few pots and pans sat still as they crackled loudly with oil. "How's Tulsa so far?" He smiled as he stirred a pan of scrambled eggs. "Shitty." I traced my finger along the dining table, as if doodling random things on paper. He stood silently for a second before speaking, "I know it's not the best, but I'm sure you'll learn to enjoy it soon enough." I merely nodded with irritation as I continued to trace the table lightly.

"Here." He set down a plate, a pancake covered in syrup sat on the edge and bacon and eggs sat adjacent. "It's your favorite, right?" He sat down at the other end of the small wooden dining table. "I guess..." I trailed off as I poked at the pancakes with my fork.

"Are you gonna eat?" He smiled. I sighed before taking a bite of the pancake. "Is it good?" He grinned. "Uhh, it's fine." I gave an answer as I looked back to the plate. His grin faded slightly at my words.

We sat for awhile, occasional chewing almost echoing through the quiet house as it had been so uncomfortably silent. "Ya know what we should do?" He asked with excitement, breaking the silence. I looked to him with furrowed eyebrows as I waited for his explanation. "We should go get milkshakes. You still like milkshakes, right?" He questioned with a pleading manner. "Maybe later, I have plans." I got up from the chair as I had finished my breakfast. His smile faded to a slight frown. "Ok." He replied quietly.

I walked to my room, ensuring that my door was closed behind me. I took a few steps before coming to the front of my dresser which stood only slightly shorter than me. I looked to it with awe, excited to put together another outfit for the day. I began shuffling through the drawers with passion.

I first found a short white dress with a lace pattern and flowing bell sleeves, the bottom of the dress ended midway down my thighs. "The perfect length." I thought as I threw it over my body. I patted the seams of the dress before turning back to the dresser in order to find something to compliment the dress.

I sifted through my drawers before laying my eyes upon a large dark blue denim vest. I threw it above the dress and left it unbuttoned, as I had decided it looked better that way. I smiled as I looked down below at the outfit, satisfied with how it looked.

I finished the outfit by throwing on my pair of brown leather go-go boots which now held a few new scratches and tears upon the leather. I then put on my mothers golden locket which laid loosely and delicately around my neck, I wore it along with some small gold hoop earrings that my grandmother handed down to my possession. My makeup, which had already been finished, matched the outfit perfectly and I felt content with the look.

I grabbed my compact mirror from atop the dresser and opened it quickly to take one last glance at myself, smiling with joy as I closed it. I threw it into my small black purse before heading out my door and sighting my father who sat with sorrow as he poked doubtfully at his food. I rolled my eyes at his expression before leaving the house.

The neighborhood was quiet and my steps against the grinding dirt were loud as I walked down the road.

Shortly, I made it to the lot where Johnny already sat peacefully at the foot of the tree, smoking another blunt. "Hey Johnny." I smiled as I approached him, him quickly returning the gesture as he patted the empty spot of grass next to him, signaling that I sit. I sighed deeply as I sat down next to him, my bare legs feeling cold as they laid against the dewy grass.

"Whatcha been up to kid?" I asked as I began lighting my own cigarette. "Nothin much, just hanging out with friends." He grinned. I nodded with understanding as I brought the end of the cigarette to my lips.

"How's Dallas? Still being an ass?" I chuckled. He gave out a small laugh before answering, "He's alright I guess. And yes, he's still a bit of an ass." He looked to me. I laughed. "You get used to him though. Sometimes I actually like hanging around with him. Ya know?" He continued as he took in a drag. I nodded again as the thought of Dallas came to mind.


I nudged his side as I walked next to him. "I hate you Dallas Winston." I laughed. He smiled widely at me before looking down to the ground as he held keen attention to the pebble he kicked along in front of him.

"You're real funny y/n, real funny." He ruffled my hair, my head moving back and forth during the process. "Thank you." I walked with pride. He merely chuckled at my comment, the unique and addictive laugh causing a slight smile to escape through my lips.

"Here." He pulled out a pack of Kools and flipped it open before putting out in front of me. I looked to it with slight confusion before looking to Dallas. "Take one and don't tell your brother." He gestured it towards me. I beamed as I quickly took one out. He took the box away from my front and stuffed it back into his pocket before handing my an old lighter that he pulled from his other pocket. "Light it." He demanded with a grin.

I quickly grabbed the lighter from his hands and flipped it open, putting my thumb to the spark lighter and spinning it till it lit. As the blunt hung loosely from my lips I promptly brought the lighter to the other end of the cigarette and lit it. After taking a quick puff of smoke I coughed loudly, causing an eruption of laughter from Dallas.

"Shut up!" I muffled through the cigarette. "Here." I tried giving his lighter back. "Keep it, I don't use it anymore." I smiled as I stuffed it deep into my jean pocket.


I chuckled at my memories, to quiet for Johnny to hear. "Speaking of my friends, I was thinking you could meet them, if that'd be okay with ya." He insisted as he cracked a smile. I spoke hesitantly, "Sure." He sighed, "I mean, I know you and Dally have a thing and all..."

"It's fine Johnny. It's fine."

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