Chapter 21 - The Adrenalines Back

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My leather bomber jacket hung heavy from my finger and draped over my shoulder, bouncing against my back with every step I took. My scuffed brown boots crashed against the dirt loudly, creating a grinding sound in the process.

I only stared to the ground as I watched both me and Dallas's feet move in unison, trying my best to keep the pattern by either speeding up or slowing down. I took another drag from my cigarette which I had clutched between my fingers, the relief of drugs seeping into my body as I closed my eyes.

"Hey stupid, we're here." Dallas spoke, snapping me out of my small trance of delight. I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him, his words vexing and his voice maddening. He only smirked in return as we came to the front of the small building, the wooden panel walls washed a dark brown color and the white door and screen door open to the world.

"Ladies first." He beamed with pleasure at his own remark before allowing me to enter first. "Charming Dallas." I uttered sarcastically as he walked in behind me. "Thanks darlin." He laughed as he came to my side suddenly, looking down at me with a grin.

I merely rolled my eyes before avoiding eye contact with him, careful to hide my flushed cheeks, for his words made my heart run rapidly. "In your dreams buddy." I patted his shoulder with a laugh. He rolled his eyes with a smile before looking to the side where a tired young man sat irritated behind the check-out counter. His hair was thick and a dirty blonde color, falling over his forehead messily. His eyes, brown, were bloodshot and tired, it seemed to be a common sight among the local workers of Tulsa.

I looked to him with a smile and he returned the gesture along with a response of tinged red cheeks and a muttered 'Hi'. I giggled a bit at his acts before walking to the counter with a grin, his growing larger in the process. A small chuckle from Dallas and a nudge in the shoulder caused me slight irritation, but I stood confident nonetheless.

"Can I help you ma'am?" The young man spoke nervously. "Uhh..." I took a glance to Dallas, him examining the shelves for a certain beer to steal, before looking back to the man. "I'm a bit lost..." I rambled on, making up a random story of how I needed to get back to New York after I '"accidentally" ended up in Tulsa.

"Do you have a..." I trailed off, making it as if I had lost my train of thought. "A map?" He questioned. "Yes! A map." I smiled. "Uhh... I'm sure I have one somewhere around here." He looked aimlessly around himself, desperate to find a map that probably hadn't actually existed. This left me enough time to look to Dallas as he hurriedly stuffed bottles of beer into his leather jacket pockets. "Hurry up!" I whisper yelled to him. He only swatted towards me, demanding I leave him alone. I scoffed before looking back to the worker.

"Yeah, I don't think we have a map... I'm pretty good with directions though." The worker commented proudly as he came up from underneath the counters. "Oh yeah... I'm sure you do." I toyed with my hair before running my fingers across the wood of the counter. He chuckled a bit, excitement present in his eyes.

"All you need to do is..." He continued, his voice like a burden to my mind and his lips spitting out words like a chatterbox. I sighed as I took a quick look to Dallas, who now secured the taken bottles in his pockets. He watched with a laugh as I glimpsed to him with pleading eyes, as if I was trapped in a box with the young man at my front. He now stood confidently as he spoke of the nonexistent directions to New York.

I began tapping my hands impatiently against the roughly polished boards of wood, looking to Dallas every minute or so as I grew desperate to get out of the shop. After what seemed like years, however, Dallas finally finished the job, now walking towards me with a smile. I looked away as to not alarm the worker and merely continued toying with my hair, almost seductively as to distract him more.

"And... uhh... that's how you get to New York." He looked to me, his mouth agape in awe. I giggled and smiled, trying to seem amazed by his "smarts". "Thanks darlin'. You're real sweet." I spoke enticingly before backing away from the counter with a tap on the back from Dallas. "Uhh... t-thanks." He smiled awkwardly. "Will I see you again?" He pleaded as I further backed away towards the entrance. "Uhh... maybe!" I yelled back as I began walking through the door, Dallas chuckling as he walked a few strides ahead.

"Oh and uhh..." I continued as I grabbed a bottle from Dallas's right pocket, causing a knowing look to adorn his grin as he looked to me with pride. "I'll bring the beer!" I laughed as I dangled the bottle behind me. I caught a glimpse of the young man's face as we exited, a look of shock, disbelief, and disappointment spreading like a disease over his features.

Both me and Dallas erupted in laughter as we ran quickly down the street, adrenaline flowing through our bodies like a drug, smiles wider than before, and a glint of joy in both of our eyes. In that moment I couldn't help but look to him with delight, love filling my mind as I galavanted by his side. I couldn't help but play, "I Only Have Eyes for You" by The Flamingos, through my mind. It was as if I was in a delusional trance, as if I were in a romantic novel, something only a delusive girl could imagine. In that moment, I was falling back in love with him, and I wasn't stopping it, for I didn't want to.

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