Chapter 4

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Omniscient Pov

     The cloaked being's heels clicked as they walked down the dimly lit hallway. They swiftly turned the corner and ducked behind the potted plant that sat as decoration. They held their breath as the other two beings passed by them; too engrossed in their conversation to notice another presence. 

     "What should we do? Her existence is forbidden?"

     Who's existence is forbidden

     "That law was made thousands of years ago, maybe Master would consider a change?" 

     "Blasphemy!" The first voice exclaimed. "Master is very serious about their rules. They would laugh in our faces if we asked such a request,"

     Nobody has ever looked Master in the eye, nobody even knows their true identity. They are very private about their life. They've been alive for thousands of years, but nobody truly knows who they are. 

     "What else can we do? We haven't had a situation like this in decades,"

     A situation like what? I'm intrigued. The person thought. 

     "What if Master demands to have her executed?" 

     "How would they even execute It? It  can't die"

     What's an it? They queried. They had never heard whispers like this around the castle. 

     "Master would have to use the forbidden method?"

     "What's that? Why is it forbidden?" The second voice asked. 

     "The last time it was preformed, bad things happend," The first voice whispered. 

     Bad things? What kind of bad things?

     "We should go, Master is waiting," The first voice quietly said as I heard them scuttle off. 

    The being stood up from behind the potted plant and stretched their lanky limbs. They then took off down the twisting turns and the winding ways of the palace. They stopped at a brick wall with ivy growing down the side of it. The being checked their surroundings before leaping p and grabbing a hold of the ivy. They lifted up their foot and placed it in a foothold in the ivy and began to climb. The beings swiftly climbed and sighed as the reached the top of the wall. They pulled themselves over the edge of the wall and rolled off into the bushes. They lay in the bushes softly chuckling as joy coursed through their veins. 

     You see, this being was not allowed outside of the castle. It was strictly forbidden for them to even open a window. Years went by as they longed for the outdoors, craving the feel of the wind in their hair and the sun on their skin. After years of wandering the castle, they found a wall. A wall covered in overgrown ivy. They were scared at first, never having touched pure ivy. They took the risk and began to climb. They climbed until they reached the top as was met with the glory of Mother Nature herself. They did this for years, every visit slowly gaining the courage to venture further and further into the nature they yearned so long for. This brings us back to now, as the creature climbed out of the bushes. 

     They began to run away from the palace, embracing the feel of the warm sunlight gently cascading against their skin. They reached a willow tree, and softly parted it's branches. They were met with the trunk of the willow tree with a gaping hole in the middle. the being reached in and grabbed out a blanket along with a notebook and pen. Just because they were in a palace doesn't mean they don't have modern items. The being closed their eyes and began to think. 

     What type of being were the two servants discussing in the hallway? Why couldn't it die? Why was it forbidden? Was it some type of supernautrual creature? Why was it's existence forbidden? Since it's the first one on decades, how will Master react? Will things change? Will the security be heightened? Will they send out the special unit? The one that was trained for handling dangerous situations? As the being wondered, they began to draw in their notebook. Just as the thoughts raced in the being's mind, their pencil raced across the notebook. Each mark a different thought, each line a new question. 

     How did this happen now after so many years? What even is the issue? Why would Master have to eradicate this being? Is it harmful? Could it hurt us? How did Master even discover the existence of this being? How long has it existed?

     The being lifted their pencil and looked down to see what they had created. They had drawn a girl. A girl with a round face and wavy hair. The sketch had a button nose and glasses that set perfectly on it. They had arched brows and soft eyes. The being wondered who they just drew? They flipped the page and began to draw again as their mind raced. 

     Who did I just draw they wondered. Who was she they asked. They wondered what her name was. What the girl's life was like. They wondered what stories her eyes told and what memories her mind held. 

     You see, the thing about this being is special. They had the ability to see. They could think about a person that they had never met, and be able to draw them in perfect detail. It was truly a gift. To this being, this was a blessing and a curse. They knew that it was the reason they were not allowed outside. Why they were always kept in the palace. They knew that the ability had already laid out a future for them. They would grow up in the castle and once they reached a certain age, they would join the Task Force. From there, they would move up as Master's right hand man, being forced to draw every time there was an issue. Master had already begun to use the being for their gift. there would be times where Master would tell them about a robbery and give the being a pencils and paper, after Master finished speaking the perpetrator would be perfectly drawn out on the being's paper. It was only a matter of time before Master called upon this being to draw it, the being they wanted executed

     The being looked down to see they had drawn a rather large wolf. They wondered who it was. Then the being's thoughts drifted. How would their life be different if they didn't have this ability? How would it feel to live a normal life? How would it feel to have freinds, maybe even a family? 

     The being placed their tools back into the hole of the trunk and laid down on the blanket. They stared up at the sky through the branches of the willow and spent the day wondering and dreaming. 

     What If?

Author's Note

Comment!! I love hearing your guys' thoughts and opinions! They really make my day. And besides, they may influence how the story goes. It's happened once and it may happen again.....

Stay fresh cheesebags <3

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