Chapter 11

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Jayden's POV

     I knew that the girl was here the whole time. I could smell her scent as soon as she stepped foot into the arena, I was just going to let her live unless she got close to my family which is exactly what she's doing. 

     "I'll be back" I whispered to BeyBey who had her feet in my lap and was laughing with Trinity. 

     I stood up and walked to the area of the room where the girl was. She wasn't where she was previosely, not she thinks she can escape. I closed my eyes and followed her scent to the other side of the room trying to be discreet. I simply sped over there quicker than the blink of an eye. I cut her off and grabbed her arm before speeding us to the roof of the arena. 

     "Who are you and what do you want with us?" I pressed. 

     "By order of Master, I must kill you," She replied confidently. 

     "Not you a slave....who is out here making you call them Master?" I laughed. Like it's 2023 we should NOT be calling people Master. 

     "Do not speak of Master that way," She quickly defended whoever this Master is. "You are an abnormality and a threat to our kingdom, so you must be disposed of,"

     "Disposed of? I've already been killed once I don't feel like dying again," I whined. "How about I just go with Bey and stay under the radar like I've done for years and you guys forget about me?"

     "Who is Bey?"

     "The woman's concert you were at?" I replied. "Yea I saw you in the crowd, you're NOT slick. You were having fun though which is nice. Nana always puts on a show?"

     "I am not playing games with you creature, come with me," She gritted out with a mean mug on her face. She thinks she's tough. She reached out to grab my arm and I dodged it. I swung my arm back and slapped the shit out of her. 

     "Leave me alone girl," I sighed. "You go back to your Master and tell them yo killed me and I'll just disappear again. No need to kill me and I'll stay out of your way,"

     "Master wants your head on a platter," She gritted out as she lunged at me again. I quickly dodged it and tripped her, catching her body by the neck of her shirt. "I won't stop until I can deliver her the gift she longs for"

     "Girl ain't nobody putting my head on a damn platter best believe that" I responded as I dragged her to the edge of the roof. "Your Master out her damn mind because I haven't done anything to her. Let me be" 

     I dangled her over the edge because she's crazy as hell talking about killing me. I've already died once I can't die again. It's not possible. 

     "If you hurt me I'll hurt Bey," She smirked as I looked at her.

      I read her features and her mind, she's not bluffing. She wants to hurt Bey and I can't let that happen. I snatched her up and threw her back onto the roof. She dusted her clothes off as she stood up. She knew I wouldn't let anything happen to Bey, the ball is in her court. 

     "Let's make a deal creature,"

     "Jayden." I stated. "My name is Jayden Knowles,"

     "You peacefully come with me, and I'll let Beyoncé live. She just got you back you can leave her again," She proposed. 

     I wasn't letting that happen. I racked my brain for ideas, anything that could protect Bey and my family until I can learn more about this Master and why they want to kill me. I can't keep fighting because I have no clue what this girl is capable of nor what this Master is capable of. I think I have to play along with her until I learn more information. 

      "I have a proposition as well," I began. I have to bullshit until I can learn more. "I watched you during the concert, I noticed you seemed curious about everything, like you've never seen the world before..." 

     This seemed to strike a chord within the girl. Her confident demeanor cracked, but only for a moment. Even though it was only for a moment, I saw the crack. I saw a girl who was filled with wonder. To be cautious I looked into her mind. 

      Is it that obvious I've never been outside of the palace? I knew I looked slightly out of place but I didn't think other people could tell. My own stupid curiosity and naivety could ruin the mission. 

      The ball is in my court now. 

       "I can show you the real world, help you experience it. There's a lot of things you can experience here like family, love, trust......and having friends. You can't get these while staying in a palace where I'm assuming you're the youngest person there."

      I could see the emotions flicker on her face. She was intrigued with my offer. I know what she's thinking because these were the things I yearned to experience before I met my found family. I can tell she's really considering it. 

      "What's your name?" I asked. 

     "Aria Magnus," She replied. She eyes widened after she said it like her mouth moved before her mind could. 

     "Look Aria, I've been in your shoes before. You've gotten a taste of the real world and you want to experience the things you always read about like having a family that loves you or a significant other or somebody you can truly trust. You want to be able to build relationships and make memories and experience life through your eyes and not the eyes of charecters in books,"

     I can see the curiosity in her eyes. I've almost got her. 

     "You want to be able to make depictions without people telling you what to do or looking over your shoulder making sure what you're doing is perfect. You want to live for YOU don't you?"

     She slowly nodded her head as tears fought to escape her eyes. I got her. 

     "If you give me a chance and let me live, I can give that to you. I know you have a mission so let's make a deal. Give me a month to show you how to truly LIVE. If you still want to stick to your mission, I'll let you take me. If you don't you can say fuck it and start a life here,"

     I saw her consider her options, but I know what she'll choose. I can see it in her eyes. 

     "Deal," she whispered.

      "Good, now let me introduce you to my family," I replied as I walked towards the rooftop door. 

     God I hope I made a good choice. 

Author's Note


Comment!! I love hearing your guys' thoughts and opinions! They really make my day. And besides, they may influence how the story goes. It's happened once and it may happen again.....

Stay fresh cheesebags <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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