Chapter 8

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Omniscient Pov

     "Yes it is and you KNOW it," The young girl screamed. "You left and BROKE us. Mom wasn't okay for so long, hell nobody was! Mom couldn't function without you so you know who had to pull the weight around here? ME," She sobbed. "I was EIGHT YEARS OLD taking care of the twins and mom, telling them that everything would be okay! I didn't even have time to mourn you myself because I was plucking everybody back together!"

     I shot up out of my plush bed in a cold sweat. It was her again, the being. I wonder what her story is. The young girl she was talking to was crying. I wonder why? I wonder who the young girl was. What's her role in this being's life? 

      I grabbed my leather-bound sketchbook and began to wonder. Who is this little girl? Is she like the being Master talks about too? I wonder if she's human or not. Maybe she's supernatural, a vampire? What if she just has powers like me? I glanced down at my sketchbook and noticed that I hadn't drawn a face or an animal, but rather a plant. It was a leaf with three different points. Ivy. Why ivy? What does it have to do with the young girl or the being with electric yellow eyes? I inspected my creation and tried to notice anything different, nothing was different except for the color of the pen; it was blue. 

     Blue Ivy. 


     "Master what would you like for us to do about this being?" A low voice asked. "The longer it roams the natural world the more havoc it shall reek"

     "We must be patient," Master answered, a cold tone in their voice. "We cannot risk exposing our world to the humans by causing a scene,"

     "How long must we wait master?"

     "However long it takes for us to find it," 

     The sound of the large okay doors busting open sounded through the hall. I watched as a servant ran towards master, eager with news. I crouched down and hid behind the stone veranda. 

     "Master," The servant wheezed. "The being has been spotted in Canada,"

     "What was she doing?" Master queried. 

     "We're not sure Master," The servant wheezed. Does he need herbs? His voice is just wretched. "Our sources say that it is with the Beyince's," The room went silent. The tension was so thick it was choking me. I watched on from my secret perch as the meeting progressed. 

     "The Beyince's?" Master pressed. "The same Beyince's who were so powerful they almost took down our kingdom? The same wretched Beyince's who-"

     "Who were to take the throne instead of you master?" I voice interrupted. Master's head cut towards them with a glare as sharp and cold as an icicle. Master lifted her hand and quickly twisted it. The crack that resulted reverberated through the hall louder than any noise I've heard in any meetings. The tension only grew, weighing on my shoulders like a weighted blanket. 

     "We do not speak of that," Master gritted out through their teeth. The rest of the council quickly nodded, smart enough to keep their mouths shut unlike their fallen comrade. 

      The meeting proceeded as the body of the servant laid slumpt over in his seat; a reminder of what happens when you go against master. The longer the meeting went on, the more curious I became. Who are the Beyince's and what happened to them? How did Master come to the throne? What could have been different if Master wasn't on the throne and it was one of the Beyince's? I became lost in my world of curiosity, asking questions and exploring the what ifs. I was brought back to reality by Master's voice booming through the hall. 

      "We cannot go, we need to send somebody else to be our spy,"

     "But Master we are the only people capable of taking her down, non of the youth have reached that far in their training except for Aria,"

     "We cannot risk losing her," Master bellowed. "Without her, the empire could crumble,"

     Me? They want to send me on a mission?

     "She is the only one in the kingdom that has a chance at getting close with the beast, she's a teen girl just like the being. She appears normal as well. She's skilled enough to make it outside of the castle,"

      "I said NO," Master thundered. 

      "As you wish," The council member sighed. "But when you come to your senses, you will realize that she is our best bet at taking down that beast,"

     "Meeting adjourned," Master echoed as she stood up from the head of the table. I scrambled away from my hiding spot and began to descend the stairs to the tunnels, Master will be on her way to check on me.

      I quickly sped through the tunnels, racing Master without them knowing. I quickly opened the door and walked across the hallway into my room. I quickly hopped onto my bed and grabbed the nearest book, The Color Purple, and began to read it as I awaited Master. A few minutes later I heard my door creak open and the familiar click of loafers. 

     "Hello Aria my dear," They voiced as they sat beside me on my bed. 

     "Hello Master," I answered as I sat up to face them. "What do I owe this pleasure?"

     "How as your training been going?" They asked. 

     "I feel very confident in all aspects of my training, both physical and mental," 

     "That's wonderful," They voiced. "How about your socialization skills and education?"

     "I feel confident in my education as well. In arithmetic, I have leveled up to Calculus 3 and I have read almost every book in the library. I also have studied the sciences of both the human world and ours. I fear that I may run out of topics to learn," I answered. It's not a lie, I've read all but four books in the castle library. "Socially though, I feel as if i know everyone in the kingdom. I want to meet new people Master"

     "Oh Aria how you've grown," Master sighed. "As much as I want to keep you here forever, I knew your curiosity wouldn't allow it. Therefore I am giving you your first mission. Go to the human world and locate Jayden Knowles and bring her back here,"

     "Yes Master,"

     "Pack your bags Aria," Master spoke. I silently nodded my head as I climbed off of my bed and began to pack.

Author's Note

Comment!! I love hearing your guys' thoughts and opinions! They really make my day. And besides, they may influence how the story goes. It's happened once and it may happen again.....

Stay fresh cheesebags <3

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