Chapter 2

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Beyonce's Pov

     "Happy Birthday Pretty Girl,"

     She's alive. My baby is alive, but how? I watched that bastard unload the clip into her. I watched her bleed out. I saw her take her last breath. I held her and felt her heart stop beating. i felt the connection die. 

     "How?" I gasped. How the hell is she still alive?

     "Yea Fluffy how are you alive? I saw your body," Blue cried. I watched Jayden's face drop after hearing that Blue saw her body. Even though I don't feel our connection, I can still read her like a book and the book is saying that she's heartbroken. 

     "Yea, how the fuck are you still alive? We buried you and everything," Solo added, still shocked at Jayden's presence. 

     "How about we all sit down and I'll explain everything," She calmly stated. How is she so calm? She's supposed to be dead. Dead dead, like d e d dead. 

     "I am sat," Solo sassed "Get to talkin zombie," Solo was rewarded with a slap on the head from Mama. Will she ever learn?

     "I'm going to tell you guys what I know," She began. "I woke up in a casket. I don't know how I woke up or why I woke up, but I did. I had to claw my way out of a grave. The headstone was so sweet I cried, props to Honeybee for it." 

     She's acting so calm it's starting to piss me off. Nice headstone? I thought she died and she's giving me props for her headstone? She's not even supposed to be able to see it. 

     "Anyways, I've been on the run since that day. I was too scared to come back and face you guys," She solemnly mumbled. "I was so scared,"

     "Why?" I whispered, barely loud enough for her to hear.

     "Because...Shawn. He killed me. I didn't know if you took him back since he's still your husband. I already ruined your life I refuse to do it again,"

     "You didn't ruin anybody's life babes. Ever since you stepped foot into our lives you've made it so much brighter," I soothed. 

     "Yea Fluffy it hurt so much when you died, everything felt empty. I was so lonely, we were all so lonely. It hurt us so much, it made me so happy when I would remember our dance studio sessions or when we would chase each other around the woods," Blue sniffled.  

     "I hate to admit it Jayden but it's true. Nobody has been the same since you died. It's coming up three years now and the twins still ask where their sissy is. Julez always asked about you and so did Ming. They missed you," Kelly added.

     "Sorry to interrupt this sweet moment family, but let's address the elephant in the room," Halle chimed in. 

     "Yea how the FUCK IS SHE STILL ALIVE," Chloe exclaimed. 

     "Finally somebody else was thinking it," Solo agreed. 

     "First off watch y'alls mouths with all that cussin," Mama demanded. "Second of all, you guys forgot a key detail. Jayden is a hybrid,"

     "Yea we know Mama remember the red and yellow eyes?" Solo sassed. 

     Oh my God she's a hybrid. She's a mother fucking hybrid. A mix between a vampire and a werewolf. She's a hybrid. 

     "She's a hybrid," I spoke up. "That's why she's alive now, she never really died," 

     "But we all saw her body, we saw the blood. We were there that night and we were there the day of her funeral," Kelly mentioned. "She was dead Bey,"

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