Chapter 7

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Blue Ivy's Pov

     "We need to talk,"

     I sighed as I stayed silent and walked into my room. I couldn't even close the door because she caught it and let herself in. 

      "That's not allowed," I mumbled as I walked further into my room and towards my bed. 

     "What's not allowed?"

     "you're a vampire, you can't come in unless I invite you in," I mumbled as I grabbed my headphones out of my bag and began to connect them to my phone. I wasn't in the mood to talk. 

     "Doesn't work like that since I live here," She explained as she snatched the headphones out of my hands. "Now tell me what's wrong before you piss me off,"

     I looked at her holding my headphones and sighed. "Can you please get out?" I asked politely. This is the last time I'm asking her before I snap. 

     "I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong Smallz," She said

     "Don't do that," I mumbled as I curled up in my bed. "Don't call me Smallz like you didn't run away,"

     "What's this about Sm- Blue?"

     "You died. Okay? You came back and you ran," I replied, voice getting louder and louder. I sat up and turned around on my bed to look at her. "You said you wouldn't leave me and when you came back you CHOSE to leave! You chose to run away for THREE WHOLE YEARS before you came back," I scoffed. 

     "Blue that's not true," She countered. 

     "Yes it is and you KNOW it," By this point I didn't realize tears streamed down my face. "You left and BROKE us. Mom wasn't okay for so long, hell nobody was! Mom couldn't function without you so you know who had to pull the weight around here? ME," I sobbed. "I was EIGHT YEARS OLD taking care of the twins and mom, telling them that everything would be okay! I didn't even have time to mourn you myself because I was pulling everybody else back together!"

     I stared at her, standing there with her mouth open. Stunned.

     "I never had a chance to pull myself back together and by the time I think I'm fine, you come back! Now don't get me wrong, I'm so fucking glad that you're alive and here but the fact that you don't realize how bad you hurt everybody makes me so mad,"

     I closed my eyes and put my head in my hands and finally let everything out. I let out all my pain and all my frustrations. I let out all the anxiety and I let out all the fear. I cried and I cried until I felt arms around me. I tried to fight them off until I was too tired. I gave in and sought refuge in the arms and sobbed. It felt so good to be held and comforted. It felt so good to have my Fluffy back. 

     "Human form cuddles or wolf cuddles?" She thought. 

     "Wolf please," I thought back, I didn't trust my voice. I cried as her arms left me but felt better as they were replaced with  furry body almost immediately. 

     "I'm sorry Jayden I'm so so sorry" I whined as I curled further into her furry body. "I didn't mean to take everything out on you it was just so much,"

     "I know Blue I know, I didn't realize how much you went through while I was gone  I should've been there for you instead of running,"

     "Why did you stay on the run when you had a family right here? You know we would've helped you. We would've protected you from whatever you were running from," I whispered. 

     "I was scared of Jay, I didn't know if Nala had taken him back or if you guys would hate me. I was running from my own problems Smallz,"

     "I know Fluffy I know, but why did you ever doubt Mama's love for you? My love for you? All of our love for you? We couldn't be mad at you," I replied. "If anything, we are all mad at my sperm doner for hating us for who we are," I don't even wanna think about my feelings towards him right now. 

     "I'm so sorry Smallz, but I'm her for you now I promise," She thought."You can't get rid of me now I pinky promise,"

     "You better or else we might actually be mad at you," I whispered. 

     Fluffy held me while I cried the rest of my tears out. She held me as I began to tell her about everything. I told her about the anxiety and the random sadness. I told her about the nightmares I'd have about that night. I told her how some days I'll wake up feeling sick to my stomach thinking about how my own father hates me for who I am. She listened to everything and for once for the first time in three years, I felt fully heard and understood. I felt whole in a way, my best friend was back. I was able to talk about the whirlwind of emotions that had plagued my mind for the past three years without feeling like a burden. I felt lighter. I laid in my bed with Jayden until I fell asleep, knowing that when I woke up the next day she would still be there. 


Omniscient Pov

     My mind has been plagued with thoughts of this being that Master keeps discussing; how I drew her. I wonder what she's like. Is she nice? What does she like to do? Does she know that she's being hunted? I wonder if she knows what she is? Does she go to school? Play sports? Live a normal life? 

     As my mind raced with thoughts of her as did my hand race to draw her in my sketchbook. My lovely book held pages upon pages of the yellow eyed girl with chocolate ringlets and perfect skin. I knew every feature of this girl yet I don't even know who she is. 

How does one know who a person is, but does not know the person?

Author's Note

Comment!! I love hearing your guys' thoughts and opinions! They really make my day. And besides, they may influence how the story goes. It's happened once and it may happen again.....

Stay fresh cheesebags <3

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