Chapter 3

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Beyonce's Pov

     It still doesn't feel real. She's here and she's ALIVE. we had relocated to my hotel room and now I'm just enjoying Jayden's presence again. We lay in bed together for what felt like the first time in forever. She lay against the headboard as I lay on top of her. She insisted that we rewatch The Lion King so that's what played on the tv. We had both showered and she stole one of my shirts. The feeling of her against me was a feeling I never thought I'd feel again. Even though she's back, it doesn't feel the way it did before. For starters, she was six feet tall instead of being five three, and she wasn't my personal heater anymore. She was cold, like a dead body cold. If I laid on her long enough she would be warm but other than that she was ice cold. But I guess it makes sense since she's the living dead. 

     "What's on your mind Lova," She asked, running her fingers through my hair. 

     "I missed us," I sighed as I breathed in her scent. I missed her scent so much, it was a mix between shea butter and eucalyptus, a perfect blend between sweet and savory. 

     "I missed us too Honeybee," She sighed as she wove her arms around my waist to squeeze me tighter. Nobody has called me Honeybee since she was murdered. 

     "Where were you all this time?" 

     "On the move, shady motel to shady motel. It was easier than before since I look older, I can get away with things without much question. I also practiced my compelling skills alot," She replied. 

     "I forgot you can compel people, is it easier since your now full vampire?" 

     "Yea, its so much easier, I bet I could even compel you now," She joked. 

     "I highky doubt it Mosquito," 


     "You need to suck blood to live, just like a mosquito," I laughed. 

     "Ha ha so very funny," She deadpanned. This just made me laugh harder which made her roll her eyes. She gently grabbed my chin and tilted my head up to look her in the eyes. "You won't call me a mosquito for the rest of the night,"

     When she said that my head felt fuzzy, and I nodded my head. Did she just compel me? Am I aware of the fact that I was just compelled? I pouted up at her as she smiled in success. 

     "I compelled youuuu," She teased as she tickled my sides. I squirmed and tried to get away but she tugged me back and hugged me against her. "I already lost you once baby I can't lose you again,"

     I simply curled into her even more, feeling as if our bodies are melded into one. Even with all of this, I still can't feel our connection anymore. Is it because she's technically dead? I'd have to ask Mama, but that's an issue for later. Right now, I just want to enjoy my person. We went back to watching The Lion King, Jayden singing with me as I sang Can You Feel the Love Tonight. I missed the sound of her beautiful voice. Listening to the recording of her singing wasn't the same as hearing her sing in person and seeing the passion in her eyes as she sang her heart out. 

     I tilted my head up and looked at her as i rested my chin on her chest. She looked down at me with eyes full of affection. "I missed your voice my love," I whispered.

     "Not as much as I missed yours," She whispered back. 

     "Your voice is different on a recording, I used to listen to the songs we recorded every day,"

     "So much so that you sang our songs?"

     "I sang them every day, I put them on my album and every time I sing them I think of you," I replied. "And don't get me started on Open Up. Every time i listen to it I cry," 


     "It reminds me of our first time in the studio and how you wrote it about me, and how you were so scared to even write the song but you grew so much from that day," I started tearing up just remembering it. She was so scared that day, but now when she sings her voice is so much more confident. It was like watching my baby Blue's confidence grow when it came to preforming on stage. 

     "Don't cry Honeybee it's okay," She said while placing her hands on my cheeks and using the pads of her thumbs to wipe away my tears. 

     Her doing this just made me cry even harder. She hasn't been here to wipe my tears in so long. I leaned into her touch as I let her take care of me. There were so many nights where I cried, wishing she was here to hold me and tell me that everything would be okay and now she's here, wiping away my tears and whispering sweet nothings to me. I cried even harder, I know I'm being a big baby but having the moon to your sun back after watching them die is life changing. 

     "If the storm comes, if we burn up. If the wells run dry. You're my reason to believe in. Another life," She serenaded. Her voice has matured so much, it fts her even more. 

     "If it all ends and it's over. If the sky falls fire. Best believe me, you will see me. On the other side" She wiped the tears from my cheeks and looked at me with a look of pure love. 

     "If we wake up, lose our patience. Or even lose our lives, oh. I feel lucky to say that you've been. A friend of mine" I find this very ironic considering she was killed but here we are. 

     "Best believe me, you will see me. On the other side" She sang. "I'm right here Honeybee I promised I wouldn't leave," She whispered. 

     I thought back to that day where I sang this to her while she cried. It was so long ago, back before everything. Before I knew she was a hybrid and before I knew who I who I truly was, before Blue and I shifted and before Shawn left, back when she was a bleeding little girl and I took her in. Those days felt like lifetimes ago. So much has happened to us, but we went through it together and we grew. We became one, connected. 

     As Jayden kept singing I began to feel a flutter in my chest. It felt as if a warm flower was blossoming in my chest and flowing through my veins. I looked up to see an electric yellow eye and blood red eye looking back at me. I sensed that I stared back with a honey yellow gaze. I was hit with an overwhelming feeling of adoration that felt foreign but familiar. I knew these feelings weren't mine, they were Jayden's. 

     "I feel our connection," I thought to her simply because I could again. 

     "I feel it too Lova," 

    "I feel whole again Jayden. When you died, I felt a part of me die but when you came back I felt you fill that void. Now we just rebuilt our connection and I feel euphoric," I expressed. 

     "Honeybee when I came back I felt dead, and not just because I was actually dead. I couldn't feel you and it broke me. I searched every second of every day for your feelings or your thoughts but I efforts were fruitless. I felt so lost until I saw you again. It was hell living without you," 

     "I love you Jayden," I whispered. 

     "I love you too Beyonce Gisselle Knowles," She replied as she placed a kiss on my forehead. 

     We laid in bed, enjoying the feeling of being connected once again, the feeling of being whole after years of feeling incomplete. I missed this. 

Author's Note

Author's Note

Comment!! I love hearing your guys' thoughts and opinions! They really make my day. And besides, they may influence how the story goes. It's happened once and it may happen again.....

Stay fresh cheesebags <3



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