Chapter 9

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Jayden's Pov

     A grin graced my face as I watched Nala in the sky from backstage. This is my fifth concert with my family and I still get stunned when I see her perform. Watching her pour her heart out for her fans and seeing her treat them like family warms my heart, it heals me. Every time she goes on stage she changes the lives of so many of her fans. It's beautiful watching the energy from her affect the crowd, and them match the energy. I've never experienced a connection like this before. What is even more euphoric is feeling everything that she feels while performing. 

     Every time she steps foot on that stage I feel pure joy run through us at the same time. I feel the emotions she feels, the love that fills her body, I feel the concentration when she does choreography, and the anticipation of the mute challenge. I'm brought back to the present when I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a head rest on my shoulder. 

     "And that's a wrap for the Rennaisance World Tour" Bey cheers as I feel tears on my shoulder.

      I turned around and hugged her as she began to shed even more tears. I felt more arms on my body as a few of the crew members and Blue came and joined our hug. My muscles tensed as I felt unfamiliar hands rub my back, but I held it together for the sake of my Honeybee. The hug dispersed after a few minutes as my baby wanted to give a speech.

     "It has been an honor to work with you guys. Throughout this tour, I have learned with you guys and I've grown with you guys. I have seen every one of your souls form bonds with one another that are meant to last a lifetime. I have enjoyed being a part of this family, the Rennaisance family. Thank you for being here with me and joining me on this journey of love and joy. Thank you for loving me as I love each and every one of you." She preached. "Amari I am so thankful that you took my Blueberry under your wing and acted as an older sister figure to her. I love you deep,"

     The crew clapped and exchanged well wishes and blessings amongst one another. I watched as they each laughed and cried, hugging each other and taking pictures. What a beautiful sight. I turned to see my Blue talking to Amari and Miss Buckwild, laughing as they talked about the many practices where they worked extra hard to make sure Blue understood her routine. I watched as Honeybee talked and laughed with Mama T. I watched as my Mushrumi danced with Honey and SirSir watched from the side with a small smile on his face. My happy family. 

    I have a family again. 

     I was snapped out of my thoughts yet again by a feeling of overwhelming love. Beyonce. I smiled as I sensed her presence behind me before I felt her wrap her arms around me. I let myself enjoy being held by her, reveling in that feeling of love that flowed through us. 

     "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" She whispered. 

     "Just thinking about us," I replied. 


     "Well yea," I answered. "Our family. It's not just me anymore. It's us and Blue and the twins and Mama T. You have your Rennaisance family as well which I'm sure I'll be getting along with soon, and not to mention the Beyhive,"

     "I love you so much Jayden," Bey whispered. "You've brought so much joy back into my life, all of our lives," I closed my eyes as I simply enjoyed the moment. I listened to the beating of Nala's heart and let her scent flood my senses. I relished in the way it felt to have her arms wrapped around me, tracing the outline of my abs as her hands had snuck under the black hoodie I was wearing that just so happened to be hers. I relished in the moment, the fact that I was here with the people that I loved while we were doing what we loved.  

     Life is Good. 

Aria's Pov


     I've always read about concerts but I've never ever experienced one. Master had me transported to the being's last known location. Although I was intent on completing my mission, it didn't hurt to have a little bit of fun and experience the things I'd dreamed about. It just so happened that there was a concert happening in the city and I figured that I might as well go. Sneaking in wasn't hard at all, I simply used my training. 

     When I entered the stadium it was filled with people. I stayed to enjoy the show as they lady singing was pretty good. Her name was Beyonce which is kind of funny as it reminded me of the Beyince's that Master despised. I enjoyed hearing her sing about things I'd never get the chance to experience such as love. Master would never allow me to even get close enough to a person to feel romantic love, and I've never truly felt familial love as well. Seeing how much these people loved this woman was a shock to me, something I truly couldn't comprehend. How can they love a person they've never met? 

     Love, what a funny concept. I've read that it's what makes the world go around but I've also read that it can destroy a person's world. Apparently, it can be the reason some people keep living but can also be the reason some people want to stop living. This woman on stage talks about love a lot, especially when she mentions the moon to her sun. I could see the way love graced her features, the glisten in her eyes and the grin on her face indicated that she must love this moon very much. I felt a wave of emotions as I wondered what it felt like to love, or even to be loved. Loved the way this pretty woman loved this moon. I felt a pang of sadness mixed with jealousy. I've never been loved, and I'll never be loved. 

     I wonder if this moon is what keeps her going, what pushes her to live. What drives her to sing about love. I wonder and I wonder. I wonder until I get an overwhelming feeling and a flash. This was no flash of a camera or lights, but a flash that only I could see. The flash of a face. A face that I've seen many times before. 

     The being. 

     I looked back at the woman on stage and got another flash. 

     The woman and the being hugging. 

Author's Note

Comment!! I love hearing your guys' thoughts and opinions! They really make my day. And besides, they may influence how the story goes. It's happened once and it may happen again.....

Stay fresh cheesebags <3

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