Only Him

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Harry was ecstatic. He and Ron had made up and his friendship with the blonde was going well. The only problem?

I think I want more than friendship...

The brunette didn't know where these strange feelings were coming from. He had never felt them before towards anyone. He just knew that he never wanted to leave the office even after finishing his work. Whenever something happened to him, Harry couldn't wait to tell Draco about it and see his reaction. Draco would laugh with him if the event was a fun one and comfort him if it was sad. One day, Harry angrily wrote to the blonde about Ginny and Neville's engagement party, during which every single person there started asking him about his love life and commenting 'it will happen soon'. He couldn't believe that ALL his friends were pitying him! And it wasn't like he could just leave. Ron had insisted that they throw the party in his and Harry's apartment, assuming the brunette would be fine with it.

Suddenly, in the middle of night, Harry received a letter with a pen attached to it.

That's weird.

It's one of my pens from the office.


Forgive me. I found one of your pens in my bag when I returned home from work. Sorry about that. I'll let you know if I see the others. Today is the engagement party, isn't it? How's that going? I hope you're having fun.


Why didn't he just send me the pen right after work?

We left the office three hours ago.

It was almost like the blonde could sense Harry's distress, like he purposely chose that time to send the letter so Harry would have someone to vent to. So, that's exactly what he did. He impulsively poured his heart out to the blonde and sent the letter off with a huff.

Immediately afterward, he wanted to take it back.

Is he going to laugh at me?

Is he going to think I am getting upset over nothing and call me a drama queen?

Merlin! Why did I send that letter?!

I didn't even re-read it!

I must sound like a complete brat!

Harry scrambled within his mind. He needed to do something to intercept that letter! He was about to write Draco another one, saying that he sent the first letter by accident. But his owl came back within moments, holding another letter. The brunette held his breath as he opened the letter, fearing Draco was making fun of him in it.


That's awful! I can't believe they just assumed that you were lonely when it's actually your choice to be single. I am getting angry just hearing about this. Not everyone needs a partner to be happy. How ignorant of them to think otherwise! I am sorry you had to deal with that. I wish there was something I could do to help. I understand why you can't just lock yourself in your bedroom and not come out. But I don't think it would be rude if you left the house because a friend of yours is in distress. I volunteer to be that distressed friend if you would like to do that. The Manor is very spacious, so even if you don't want to talk right now, you could just come here to be alone. I'd hate to think that you might be so miserable because of the lack of space while all I have here is free space. Ignore them, Harry. Your decisions are your own and you don't need to explain them to anyone, especially people who won't listen. Anyway, the wards will let you in if you decide to drop by and you know where my room is if you want to talk.

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