Chapter 10

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"Ellie Cartwright," Our homeroom teacher called out, her voice shrill and annoyed as she spoke my name. I rolled my eyes and raised my hand silently. Several people turned around a stared, obviously hearing the news of what had happened on Saturday. I sighed, not wanting to recall those events just yet. 

"Ethan Cartwright," She continued role call. 

His voice came out in a grunt, "Here." 

After she finished, she began a boring lecture about some stupid math equation and the history about it. I easily finished the homework while she rambled and sketched in my notebook while she instructed the class as to how to do the work. 

Finally, after sketching in my notebook for a stretching 20 minutes, the bell rang and we swarmed the halls. A loud tone pierced the halls and the principal, my dad, came on over the loud speaker, "Ellie Cartwright, Ethan Cartwright, Carter Jones, Josh Peters and Keaton Masterson are to report to the office immediately. That will be all, thank you." 

Groaning, the four of us headed to the office, five if you count Keaton. Though, I don't remember him doing anything to the school... 

The secretary laughed at my usual smirk as we walked into the office. She knows I'm a trouble maker, yet she still likes me because she knows about my few secrets. Thanks a lot, daddy! Wow, even I could hear the sarcasm pouring from every syllable. 

"This is outrageous! Unacceptable!" He boomed as we took a seat in the five chairs set up in front of his desk. 

I folded my arms over my chest and gave him an innocent look, "What is, daddy?" 

He glared at me, "This!" 

He spun his computer around to face us. There, was a picture of the five of us vandalizing the school property. Ethan looked down, mocking guilt. Carter stared at the picture of us in remorse, and Josh copied my brother. Keaton sat there, his face blank. I stared at the picture, shock consuming me. 

How did he--? 

"Next time, think before you act," He growled at us, "Two weeks detention for all of you. No arguments. Understood?" 

The five of us chorused our 'yes' and walked out, our head hung in "shame". As soon as we were out of sight, Ethan cracked up laughing and I smiled. Carter shook her head with a slight smile while Josh wrapped his arm around her. Wow, they really were cute together. 

"I can't believe we got caught," I heard Keaton mutter under his breath. 

Spinning on my heel, I was face to face with him, "What's the matter, bad boy? Got caught?" 

He glared at me, "Unlike you, I know how to not get caught." 

I scoffed, "You mean you just never did something like this." 

Lingering students stared at our group, watching our little "throw down". 

"You're just jealous because I've never gotten caught!" He practically shouted. 

I shoved him by his shoulder, "And you're just mad because you got caught doing something 'immoral', or whatever the hell you want to call it!" 

A teacher poked her head out the door, a glare on her face. When she recognized me, she swallowed the lump in her throat. She croaked out, "Keep it down," before hiding back in her classroom. 

"I think you're jealous of more than not getting caught. You're jealous that I'm not your boyfriend," He spoke with confidence, a smirk spreading across his face. 

I laughed disbelievingly, "Oh, you did not just say that." Picking up my hand, I slapped him straight across the face, a loud noise echoing through out the almost vacant hallway. Though, some people still stood and stared at the scene. I spat at him, "Go to hell." 

"After you," He growled before turning and walking the opposite way from me, towards our next class. Frustrated, I pushed past Carter, Josh and Ethan and dropped my stuff off in my locker. Deciding against going to class and sitting next to the devil himself, I grabbed my book bag and walked straight out the front door and to my car. 

I peeled out of the parking lot and sped down the roads, anger pulsing rapidly through my veins. How could he be such a bitch and say something like that!? I was not jealous of him, at all. It hit me then, as I was driving, that he was probably jealous of me -- getting back at me for kissing that guy back at the party on Friday night. 

As I continued to drive, at a slower pace now, I shook my head to get everything out. Though, it didn't work. So I continued to drive town through town until I found myself several counties over. By now, school would be let out, but I didn't mind. 

I drove through the wood paths, finding myself at the lake house we owned. My brother and I always threw some major new years eve and first day of summer bash here. I parked the car and slammed the door, still slightly frustrated. 

Finding the correct key, I unlocked the door and stormed through the large cabin -- or mansion, rather. After dropping my bag off and downing a bottle of water, I stepped out into the cool seventy degree weather. 

Hugging myself, I made my way down the dock and to the edge. I kicked my shoes off and dove into the freezing lake water. It was numbing, the icy-like water. It took away all of my feelings, if only for a little while. 

My phone rang, next to my shoes, but I disregarded it. I wasn't going to answer. I didn't care if it was someone I liked or not, I just wanted to be alone right now. 

Solitude was what I got for the next three hours as I floated around the lake, swimming and just doing whatever. Eventually, the sun began setting and I began to freeze, my body moving stiffly. I hoisted myself out of the water and onto the dock. Picking up my phone and shoes, I made my way back towards the lake house. 

The sudden wind whipped, biting my already cold body. Once I was in the house, I went up to what was my room and pulled out some clothes -- plaid pajama pants and an old camp t-shirt. I slipped on some fuzzy socks that I found and walked back downstairs and into the living room. 

Curling up on the couch with a large, green fleece blanket, I laid in the dark for a good hour. Finally, once fatigue started to creep up on me, I closed my eyes and allowed a dreamless sleep to overtake my body and mind. 

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