Chapter 16

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"Elliot," A voice spoke through my dreamless sleep. The voice was sharper when it spoke again, "Elliot get up!" 

Groaning, I sat up and winced at the sharp pain pounding through my head, "Give me a minute!" I growled at my father. I heard him huff before turning around and walking back downstairs. I rushed into my bathroom and took three pain killers. I then showered, and by the time I was down, my hangover was a measly dull ache in the back of my head. I got dressed in a sweatshirt and some ripped jeans, gray converse to top it off. I left my hair down in soft waves before walking down the steps and into the kitchen. 

I took a muffin and ate it, munching happily. 

"Elliot would you please come in here," My dad's strained voice called. I rolled my eyes -- what now? 

I walked into the living room where dad was sitting next to Joanna, Ethan sitting across from them, "Okay really I don't need another damn convention." 

My father glared at me, "For once can you just realize that not everything is about you, Elliot!?" 

Joanna sat beside him, tears escaping from her eyes. I sat down next to Ethan and stared at her smugly. Dad cleared his throat, "I have horrible news." 

"If horrible you mean amazing that you and Joanna are getting a divorce?" I asked hopefully. He glared at me. 

"No! Your mother here has cancer, and I would like for you to stop being disrespectful!" 

I scowled, "There's a lot of things people would like me to be." 

"Ellie," Ethan warned, muttering under his breath. I sat back. 

"So what? The bitch gets to die. Yippee." 

"No, Joanna and I are moving to Sweden to get her the treatment she needs. You and Ethan will stay here surviving on the weekly allowance I'll put in your bank accounts. Understood?" He looked at Ethan and then at me. 

I jumped up from my seat, "You're a son of a bitch, you know that? Not giving a shit about your original wife who had cancer and then moving all the way to fucking Sweden with her, abandoning your own damn kids, just to help that slut!?" 

"Joanna and I are leaving tonight," He spoke indifferently before leaving the room with Step Monster in tow. Ethan placed his hand on my shoulder. 

"I know it's hard. Just think -- she'll be gone and we'll have the house to ourselves." I relaxed slightly, "Better?" 

I shrugged then muttered, "A little. But dad's still an asshole." 

"We all know that, El," Ethan told me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. After a minute of two, I stood up and walked into the garage, pulling out my keys I jumped into my car and slammed the door shut. Peeling out of the driveway, I sped down the street and flew into a certain parking lot. The only thing calming me was the sight of a guy standing under and oak tree. 

I got out and walked over there, quietly sneaking up behind him. I whispered softly in his ear, "Boo." 

He jumped and spun around, glaring at me. I laughed, and shoved him a little, "Don't be a bitch, Ellie." 

"Oh don't be melodramatic Keaton!" He laughed and something about his laughter was contagious, causing me to surprisingly laugh as well. 

Sighing, I frowned a little once I fully understood what was going on in my life. Dad chose Joanna, that slut, over his wife and his children's mother. He really was the world's biggest asshole, wasn't he?

"What's wrong?" Keaton suddenly asked, slinging his arm tightly around my shoulders, "You seem really off." 

I sighed, "My dad. Step-Monster has cancer and he's decided to be 'a loving husband' and take her all the way out to Sweden to help her recover. He's leaving Ethan and I here. But he didn't give half of the shit he's giving now to my mom."

"What a dick," Keaton spat, shaking his head.

I nodded, "Tell me about it."

"So, what does Miss Elliot Cartwright want to do on this lovely day?" He asked, feigning a british accent.

Laughing, I responded, "Can we just hang out somewhere quiet?"

He nodded, "I know just the place.

With that, he hopped into the driver's seat of my car. Rolling my eyes I gave him my keys and climbed into the passenger seat. As soon as my seat belt clicked, he peeled out and raced down the street. I shook my head at his stupidity.


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