Chapter 14

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I felt something beneath me stir. Confused,  my eyebrows furrowed together and I opened my eyes. I took in the sight of Keaton looking down at me, smiling bemusedly at me. I grinned weirdly, "Morning." 

"Morning," He replied back, humor evident in his voice. 

I got up and stretched out, "I propose we completely skip school today. Or skip til lunch then go in." 

He thought about it then turned to me, "Let's get there at lunch after eating lunch so we can still sit with the guys." As an afterthought he added, "And Carter." 

"I'm gonna shower and get dressed. What time is it?" I asked. 

"Uh, 9:50." He told me. 

I nodded, "That means everyone's gone so you can go ahead downstairs and get something to eat if you want." 

Keaton shook his head, "I'll wait for you." 

"Suit yourself," I sang before walking into my bathroom and locking the door behind me. Starting the shower, I couldn't help but laugh at Keaton's childishness. He was like an innocent five year old boy trapped in a seventeen year old's body. 


"Holy shit slow down! Are you trying to kill us?" Keaton shouted for at least the tenth time withing five minutes of me driving. Hey, it's not my fault he took forever to choose his meal and eat it at the usual diner. 

I smiled smugly as I sped into the school parking lot, "Yes." 

He mock glared at me and I laughed, throwing my head back carelessly. He rolled his eyes and hopped out of the car, getting down on the ground and hugging it, "Sweet mercy we made it!" 

"I'm not that bad of a driver," I scoffed.

His eyebrows shot up, "Don't be so sure about that."

I slapped him upside the head and walked up the school steps. The halls had lingering students in them, considering it was lunch/free period. I glanced at Keaton as we neared the cafeteria doors, "Ready to face the wrath of our friends?"

"Hell no," He replied as we walked into the room.

Many conversations stopped as everyone watched Keaton and I walk into the cafeteria together. It was pretty well known that I hated him -- well, used to anyways. I sat across from my brother, Carter sitting on my right with Josh on her other side. Keaton sat next to Ethan. 

"Who are you and what the hell have you done with my best friend?" Carter spoke loudly. 

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up, bitch." 

"Whore," She muttered. 

I smirked, "Slut." 

"Loner!" She said with a smug look. 

I fake gasped, "You take that back!" 

We burst out laughing, and everyone returned to their normal conversations, forgetting about the alien entry of Keaton and I being friendly with each other. 

"So we going to the party coming up on Friday again?" Josh asked, slinging his arm around Carter's shoulder casually. I smiled a small smile and I almost smirked at that. Ethan nodded and looked at me. 

"Yeah, we're in. You coming, Keaton?" I turned to the boy sitting next to my brother. 

He nodded, "Hell yeah bitches!" 

I laughed and Ethan looked at me weirdly. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, telling him I would just explain later. Of course, I was not at all planning on telling him the whole truth. 

"So why is Elliot Cartwright, the girl who never stops eating, not eating during lunch!?" Josh exclaimed. 

I made a sour face at him, "Because dick-head, your cousin and I got lunch at the diner before we came." 

Carter gasped, "You didn't bring me any!?" 

I shook my head, "Afraid not, my friend." 

Ethan shook his head and mumbled, "This is the weirdest f*cking think I have ever witnessed." 

It took every ounce in me not to scoff at that; I know he's seen far worse. So why was he taking this so oddly? It really didn't make any sense to me. Oh well, I sighed, his problem acting like a girl who's PMS-ing. 

As the lunch period went by, our table of friends continued to laugh and joke around. There was a tap on my shoulder and I could feel the sharp point of a perfectly manicured finger. I groaned. 

"What do you want, Kelsey?" I asked, annoyed. I put on a bored expression as I looked at her. 

She cleared her throat, "Just wanted to tell you I hate you!" 

I laughed in her face. She glared at me, her face flushing red with anger. I put my hands on my hips as I stood up, towering over the bimbo, "Listen up, and listen up good you little slut. I don't like you -- no, scratch that -- I hate you. You're a bitch who thinks she can run the whole damn school. And guess what? No one likes you. Get that through your thick, naive, air-head skull. Bye, whore!" 

I walked away from her but was stopped by the football captain. AKA, Kelsey's boyfriend. 

"Can I help you, douche bag?" 

He smirked, "You can help me into your pants." 

I smiled sickly sweet, "Or I can help you into a hospital. I like my option better -- don't you, Mike?" 

"You wouldn't. Not after what we've been through, Ellie," He pouted, silencing the entire lunch room. 

"Oh, you mean me kneeing you in the balls after you tried to rape me? Yeah, I remember that. It was low, even for you. Do us all a favor, and stay the hell away from me and my friends. Or you might never be able to go to bathroom again. Now move!" He scooted to the side immediately after my threat and I stormed out, letting the door slam behind me. 

Damn, this just isn't my week so far. Thank god there's a party on Friday. 

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