Chapter 23

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I left the house before the guys and Carter had time to get back after school. I knew they wouldn't ditch; none of the teachers are scared enough of them to let them off the hook. So I took off in my car to.. Anywhere, really. I decided to go to a small cafe on the edge of town. No one ever really knew about this place. Only a few people-- really it was a miracle that the place even stayed open. 

Ordering a latte, I sat down in a booth in the corner of the shop and sipped thoughtfully. Honestly, I was wondering how someone's life could get so messed up. How my life could get so disoriented, I could find no explanation. 

What would happen if I disappeared? I briefly wondered. 

My train of that was interrupted as I heard a certain voice ordering an all too familiar drink. A caramel mocha, no whipped cream. Immediately, I stood up and began to walk towards the door. I felt his eyes on me but ignored them. I was almost to the sidewalk, about to cross the street to get to my car when a hand grabbed my arm, roughly spinning me around to face him. 

"What don't you understand about I hate you," I spat at him. 

"Come here," He growled, his voice low. His brown eyes turned a murderous black. Fearing for my safety, I numbly nodded and let him drag me into a small alley. He started to talk, "Did you tell anyone?" 

His hold on my arm was distracting me, pain shooting through my arm. I shook my head and ripped my arm from his grasp. In reaction to this he slapped me. Gasping, I lifted my hand to the sting on my cheek. 

I had forgotten what that felt like. So sweetly forgotten, until bitter reality decided to slap my across the face-- literally. 

Ryan's face was stone hard, his brows furrowed in anger, his eyes still a deadly black, "You're mine, Elliot. Do you understand me!? I won't stand for your bullshit anymore!"

I flinched at his tone. 

"You're weak and pathetic, now," He growled, punching me. Pain, that's all I felt. My right eye felt as though it could swell up that very moment and turn black and blue. 

Of course, me being me, I did something stupid. I said something very stupid, "You're the pathetic one, Ryan. Not me." 

Grabbing me by the neck, he punched me in the gut, effectively cutting off my breath for a moment. I crumpled on the ground. I was a goner, he was going to kill me. He yanked me to my feet by my hair, causing me to yelp in pain. 

Another slap to the face. 

He grabbed both of my arms tightly, too tightly, and stared darkly into my eyes, "Don't you ever fucking disrespect me again, got it bitch?" 

While he was squeezing my arms, possibly trying to break them, I took the opportunity to knee him as hard as I possibly could. He let go and cupped his area. I ran out of the alley and across the street, jumping into my car. I sped home, tears blurring my vision. 

I couldn't believe that just happened. 

I pulled into my driveway and jumped out, running through the front door and closing it. I slid down it, my back against it. I cradled my head in my hands, crying. My arms had bruises in the shape of finger prints, my eye was throbbing and my left cheek was still stinging from him slapping me. A sharp pain in my knee made me realize I had cut my jeans and knee open when I fell to the ground. 

Voices sounded through the hall and soon my four friends were standing in front of me. 

"Ellie?" Carter asked, nervously. 

I uncovered my face and they all gasped. It was probably bruised and I had a black eye. 

"Did Ryan do this to you?" Ethan demanded. I didn't answer. He said it louder, "Ellie, did Ryan do this to you!?" 

"Yes!" I shouted in reply. 

Carter made a strange sound, "All those bruises when you were dating him..." 

I looked up at her, tears in my eyes. She gave me  look of hate and anger, "Why didn't you tell me!?" 

There was no way to physically reply, in my state. Josh looked at me with an expression I couldn't recognize. Carter dragged him out. I heard the garage door slam. 

Ethan glared at me, "After all we've been through. I asked you about them Ellie. You lied to all of us. I can't believe you." 

He stormed upstairs, his door slamming. 

I looked up at Keaton, the only one still standing in front of me. He sat down next to me, putting his arms around my shoulder, "This wasn't the first time was it?" 

In response, I shook my head. 

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" He asked. 

Simple, "I couldn't." 

"You're not gonna storm out of here, hating me, too?" I asked. 

He shook his head, "I haven't known you for that long. It's not your fault." 

I nodded and buried my head into his shoulder. 

"Ellie?" He asked after a few moments of silence. 

"Yeah?" I replied. 

He took a deep breath and turned to me, "Is that why you didn't ask questions, when you found me, after you know, my dad..?"

I nodded. 

He squeezed my shoulder and offered me a smile, "Thank you." 

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