Chapter 12

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Ethan side glanced at me for the seventh time during the car ride, but still said nothing. Glaring at him out of the corner of my eye, he immediately turned and faced the road. Sighing, I parked the car in our normal spot and walked up the steps of school. 

I gave my fiercest glare to the sophomore boys who had picked  on Aria. They all deserved to rot in hell, for all I cared. 

After pulling out the books I needed from my locker, I slammed it shut which startled a lot of people. Putting on my well known smirk, I walked into homeroom and sat in the back. 

"Ms. Cartwright, how nice of you to join us today, were you sick yesterday?" My teacher asked in a snooty, sickly sweet voice. 

I smiled back, "Of you, yes." 

"Detention!" she snapped before going back to write on te chalkboard. Rolling my eyes, I pulled out a random pencil and chucked it across the room, hitting the person who was walking in the classroom. A smug look appeared on my face as I saw it was Keaton. The son of a bitch deserved it. 

"Thanks," He shot sarcastically and sat next to me. I folded my arms across my chest. Stupid bitch teacher made me sit in the original seat I sat in on the first day, right next to this asshole here. 

"Asshole," I muttered. 

"Bitch," He grumbled. 

I scoffed, "I've been called worse." 

"Really? Like what?" He snapped. 

"The girl who actually talked to you," I retorted. This shut him right up, as he glared through the chalkboard up front. Carter and Josh walked in then, both noticing the heat radiating from me. Carter waved while Josh ducked his head. 

I rolled my eyes -- smart people. 

As the bell rang, Ethan strolled in and sat in between Carter and I. I ignored his questioning stare and focused on staring outside the window and at the cars speeding by. I watched until the teacher called out my name. 

"What now?" I shot at her. 

"Is the street really more interesting than passing, Ms. Cartwright?" She shouted. 

I glared at her, "Shut the hell up. You can yell at me once you actually know me." 

With that, I stood up and walked out of the class. I went to my locker and shoved my books into it. I leaned against it and waited four minutes until the bell rang and Ethan, Carter and Josh stopped at their lockers. No one spoke a word as we walked silently to our next classes. 

We sat through them in silence, anger still definitely coming out of me. It wasn't until the class after lunch, art (and my only class without Keaton), that I finally started talking to them again. 

"So where were you yesterday, anyways?" Carter asked. 

I shrugged, "Out." 

She nodded, understanding that I really didn't want to talk about it. 

"So, we going to the football game this Friday?" Josh spoke up. 

I shrugged then nodded, "Yeah, I guess." 

"Cool," He says smirking, while wrapping an arm around Carter. He kissed her and I gagged. 

"No school or bleacher sex!" I shouted at them, just as the room went silent. 

"Ellie Cartwright!" The art teacher gasped. 

"Oh, bite me," I glared at him, causing him to turn away. I winked at Carter before standing up and cleaning the area around my. I threw my painting on the drying rack and walked out the class as the bell rang. 

I sat in my last two classes, not grumpily, but joking around with my friends as always. Of course, I made it very clear that I was excluding Keaton from all this laughter.

Finally, the last bell rang and I made my way to my locker with the gang. We laughed at Ethan's lame joke about nacho cheese before walking down the steps of school.

"Move!" I barked at two freshman that were making out in front of the door. They jumped away and I pushed myself between them while making a fake gagging noise. The girl blushed furiously while the boy looked at her sheepishly. Rolling my eyes, I continued to walk down the steps of the building.

"Take me to dairy queen!" I pouted and Carter smiled.

"Please, Josh! Can we please get some dairy queen?" She said, giving him her puppy dog look.

Josh sighed, "Meet us there, ladies."

We smiled then ran over to my car where we followed Josh and Ethan to DQ, AKA the best place in the entire world.

"What can I get for you?" The old woman at the register said.

"I'll have a small Reese's cup blizzard with chocolate ice cream and whipped cream on top," I ordered. Carter got the same and the guys just got sundaes. We ate outside, making fun of all of our teachers and just talking about random things.

I finished my ice cream and threw it about a good hundred feet across the outside eating area before it landed perfectly in the trash can. I high-fived Ethan before we hopped into our cars and drove home. I dropped Carter off, and Josh went home in his car.

As Ethan and I walked into our house, I prepared myself for the devil -- Joanna.


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