Chapter 22

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My annoying and aggravating alarm clock went off at exactly 7:02. Groaning, I rolled over in my bed and slammed my hand down, effectively cutting off the noise. I swung my feet over the bed and stood up, shuffling my way over to my bathroom. Turning on the shower, I stripped and got in, washing my hair and body. 

I winced when the water hit my knuckles. Looking at them closely, I could see some cuts and a bruise from punching Ryan. 

Getting out of the shower, I wrapped the towel around my body and walked out of the bathroom and into my closet. I pulled out a white v-neck t-shirt with some black skinny jeans. I grabbed my black combat boots and black crop leather jacket. Setting the clothes out on my bed, I put on my bra and underwear before walking back into the bathroom where I brushed my teeth and wrapped my knuckles so they wouldn't be a problem. 

After quickly getting dressed, I glanced at the clock-- 7:34. I walked over to my vanity and sat down, blow drying my hair to it's usual straightness. I threw it up into a ponytail, whisps of hair framing my face. I put on mascara, eyeliner, foundation and some clear lip gloss. Grabbing my bag and phone, I skipped down the steps and barreled into the kitchen where I was met with the smell of eggs. 

I dished myself some scrambled eggs and smiled at Ethan, "You're going to be a gourmet chef one day, bro." 

Ethan shook his head at me, "It's disgusting to talk with your mouth full, Ellie!" 

"Sue me," I said, winking. I threw my dirty dish into the dish washer and  walked out into the garage, my brother following right behind me. I climbed into the driver's seat of the midnight blue Dodge Charger and opened the garage, pulling out of the driveway. I never really drove this car, but I was feeling risky and different today. 

"So have you heard, Vice Principal Burns is the principal while dad's gone?" Ethan asked as we passed the halfway mark to school. 

I shot him and incredulous look, "Who do you think put him in the running? With him in charge, he'll flinch every time I look at him." 

This cause Ethan to laugh, "You really did scare the shit out of the man, El." 

Smirking, I pulled into the parking lot, "Good." 

We got out and we met up with Josh, Carter and Keaton. Carter looked me up and down, rolling her eyes and laughing, "Typical bad ass look today, eh?" 

"You know it, bitches," I said laughing. 

We entered the hallway and Mr. Burns was standingo outside the office, fidgeting nervously every time a student would say hi to him. He looked up from his hands and I smiled sickly sweet at him, causing him to scurry back into the office. 

Josh rolled his eyes, "I find it amusing you can control people just by looking at them." 

"What can I say, it's a gift!" I said, pretending to flip hair over my shoulder. Carter laughed at that and smacked my ponytail, causing me to give her a mock glare. 

As we walked into homeroom, my phone buzzed in my back pocket. Before sitting down, I pulled it out and read the text message I had received. 

From: Unknown

You can put up all the fight you want, I will get you back. 

After rereading the text, I shook my head and put the phone away, putting all thoughts of Ryan into the back of my head. Pulling out a straw from my bag and tearing a little piece of paper, I balled it up and put it into the straw. Gathering my spit, I wet the paper and blew with all my force, effectively hitting Mrs. Grumpy Pants (the bitch we have to call a teacher) square in the forehead. 

She screamed in shock and glared at me as I smirked, twirling the straw around. Little did she know, I already had another one prepared. She narrowed her eyes, "Ellie Cartwright you will report to Principal Burns right now!" 

Grabbing my bag, I stood up, "Gladly." As an after thought, I added, "Oh, and heads up." 

As she gave me a confused look, I had already hit her in the cheek with another spitball, as I passed her desk, I told her, "Trust me. You look much better that way." 

With that, I walked out of the classroom and down the hallway to the office. The secretary, Ms. Jones, an elderly lady, smiled at me, "What are you in for this time, dear?" 

I smiled, she was like a second mother to me, "Hitting my teacher with two spitballs?" 

"Who'd you hit, dear?" She said, shaking her head. Though, I could sense some amusement in her voice. 

"Mrs. Brandy," I told her smirking. 

To my surprise, Ms. Jones clapped and laughed, "Thank god! I depsise that woman!" 

Laughing, I waved and opened the door to the principal's office. He looked at me, eyes wide and lips in a thin line. I sat in the chair across from him and smiled, "I've been sent by the devil Mrs. Brandy for hitting her with spitballs. So I can leave now or you can deal with me. Your choice." 

He gestured to the door with his hand while remaining silent. I smiled, "Good choice." 

I walked out and waved to Ms. Jones who shook her head, still laughing quietly. I walked back to the doorway of first period where Ethan saw me standing in the doorway, smirking as he saw I was pulling out my straw again, Forming another, larger spitball, I launched it as I walked in, hitting her square in the nose. 

She then screamed at me, "Did you not understand me!? I told you to go to the principal's office! Not disrupt my class again and hit me with another spitball!!!" 

I smirked and sat back in my seat, "It's quite comical actually. I walked into the principal's office, he looked at me and told me I could leave. It's funny, I wouldn't even do this stuff to you if you weren't such a bitch." 

She stared at me, mouth open. 

"Oh, and by the way, your husband's cheating on you with my cousin. She's twenty three and a model. Yeah, have fun with your divorce," I told her, smiling. She stormed out of the room and the entire class erupted in cheers. Ethan slowly turned to me. 

"Are you talking about Bailey? Bailey is with...?" He asked slowly. I laughed at him and nodded. He shook his head and groaned, cradling his head in his hands. Finally, the bell rang and we headed to second period. 

I sat down at my science table with Ethan and Keaton, not caring that the limit was two per table. Obviously, Mr. Carlton didn't mind either. He stood at the front of the class, smiling, "Good news! We have a student teacher from the community college! Everyone welcome Ryan!" 

My head snapped up and my eyes connected with my ex boyfriend's. I have to admit, I felt very proud about the bruise right under his eye. He turned to Mr. Carlton and nodded, "Thank you for having me. I do apologize for my appearance. You know how people on the street can just be so crazy." I stood up and started walking out of the room. 

"Ms. Cartwright, will you please sit down?" Mr. Carlton called. 

I rolled my eyes and looked at him, "As long as that asshole is a student teacher, I won't be attending your class." That being said, I stalked out of the classroom and our of the front doors and into my car. I sped out of the parking lot and back home where I went into the basement, fuming. The douche bag would never learn would he? 

Forming a fist, I banged against the wall and widened my eyes as me fist went through. Soon I saw my hand bleed and I groaned, cradling it. Not smart to punch a wall with your already hurt hand. Walking back upstairs, I cleaned the gash along my hand and re-wrapped my hand so that each injury was effectively covered up. 

Looking at the time, I grabbed a personal pizza and stuck it into the oven and set the timer. Sighing, I ate the pizza in the living room alone, watching repeats of Friends. Pretty pathetic day, if you ask me. 

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