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As we gathered in the car, my anxiety slowly began to kick in. Chris, ever the considerate friend, broke my short thought as he offered me the front seat, the coveted "shotgun," with a friendly grin. However, I declined his kind gesture, fully aware of the unspoken but well-understood tradition among the car videos.

"It's fine, Chris," I said, eager to maintain the status quo, "I know you guys have your unassigned assigned seats for the videos. I'll chill with Nick." Chris, appreciative of my understanding, merely nodded in acknowledgment.

I settled into the backseat, the gentle hum of the engine and the faint hum of a familiar song on the radio created a comforting ambiance, promising a night of laughter and memories. With my seatbelt securely fastened, I decided to pass some time by pulling out my phone.

As we cruised down the road, I immersed myself in the virtual world of Pinterest. It was a treasure trove of inspiration, a digital escape where my imagination could wander freely. My fingers swiped through the endless feed of images, each one a potential source of inspiration, each a glimpse into someone else's creativity.

However, as I continued to browse, the undercurrent of anxiety seeped in once more. Thoughts started to swirl in my mind, causing me to overthink. I couldn't help but wonder how the passionate Sturniolo Triplets fandom, with its discerning and dedicated members, would react to my unexpected appearance in their beloved car video.

My fingers tapped the screen with less enthusiasm as a cloud of uncertainty loomed over me. My heart quickened its pace, and I couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider in this tightly-knit community of fans.

I started to imagine various scenarios: Would they accept my presence with open arms, or would they question my qualifications as a true fan? Anxiety crept in, and I worried about the comments and opinions that might be voiced once the video was released.

Feeling the weight of my thoughts, I took a deep breath and attempted to quell the rising tide of apprehension. It was then that I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder, and I turned to see Nick, who had apparently noticed my discomfort.

His warm, understanding eyes met mine, and he asked, "Hey, talk to me. What's going on?" It was a lifeline of support, a reminder that I wasn't alone in this sea of doubt and apprehension. Nick's caring gesture was a welcome relief, like a life preserver tossed into the turbulent waters of my anxiety.

I offered him a small, appreciative smile, grateful for his sensitivity. With a sigh, I decided to confide in him.

"Well, it's just," I began, my words hesitant at first, "I can't help but feel a bit anxious about how your fans will react to me being in this video. They're so passionate, and I'm worried they might see me as an intruder, not a genuine fan."

Nick's expression softened as he nodded in understanding. "I get where you're coming from, but don't sell yourself short. We've known you since we were kids,"

"Bells, you know what I do when I'm struggling?" Matt turned to look at me, his hands resting on the steering wheel as the red traffic light cast a soft, warm glow on his face. His voice was calm and reassuring, like a steady anchor in the sea of my racing thoughts.

"I take deep breaths, because it calms me right down and makes me feel way better." The look on his face was one of genuine care, his eyes locking onto mine, offering a reassuring connection in the midst of my anxiety.

I took in a slow, deep breath, following Matt's advice, and felt the tension within me start to ease. The sound of our synchronized breaths and the gentle hum of the car's engine created a soothing backdrop, grounding me in the present moment. It was a simple yet effective technique, and I could already sense the relief it brought.

Chris, sitting in the front passenger seat, added his perspective to the conversation, further reinforcing the sense of camaraderie among friends. "Besides," he said with a comforting smile, "this is about having fun, not proving yourself as worthy to anyone."

His words resonated deeply, reminding me that our shared experiences were not about passing tests or meeting external expectations. They were about the joy of being together, and creating cherished memories along the way.

Whispers of Truth |  Matt SturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now