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"Hey Glam fam! It's Arabella your favorite fashion icon, and today I have some very special guests with me!" I beamed into the camera, excitement evident in my voice. As I spoke, Nick, Matt, and Chris popped up from behind me, their faces filled with enthusiasm as they waved eagerly into the camera, acknowledging the viewers of our video

"Okay, this is where the intro will play, so you guys can change your positions or whatever, and then we can start the actual video" I explained, picking the camera up off the tripod.

Matt and Chris exchanged a slightly puzzled look, and I couldn't help but giggle at their reaction. "What?" I asked, flipping the view finder so that I could see myself. I took a moment to fix my hair, which I had slightly curled at the ends and tied up with a white ribbon. My bangs had grown out a little, and they were becoming a bit of a nuisance, constantly falling into my eyes. Despite my attempts to push them away, they just kept falling back into place.

"It's just weird," Chris began, attempting to articulate his observation, his tone thoughtful. "You have a different style. Nick is more strict, and you're kind of open and free." His comment made me pause for a moment.

"Am not," Nick argued, a playful tone in his voice as he settled down on the couch beside me. "If I was strict, y'all would never get away with half the stuff you do in the Friday videos."

Matt, somewhere off to the side, cracked open a can of root beer, and I noticed him taking a sip. Chris, on the other hand, remained standing next to me, the three of them clearly ready to begin.

I raised the camera again and faced each of them. "Is this your final decision?" I asked, ensuring that they were fully prepared. They all nodded their heads in agreement, except for Matt, who verbally confirmed with a polite, "Yes, ma'am." And with that I put on my best camera smile and began explaining the situation.

"So, clearly you guys can tell I'm not at my apartment," I began, addressing the camera as I turned it around to capture a view of their living room. Nick, momentarily looking up from his phone, smiled for the camera, while Matt continued to sip his drink.

Chris, curious, posed the question, "Why aren't we at your place?" We shared a brief, thoughtful look, and for a moment, his beautiful brown eyes captivated me to the point of distraction. I quickly refocused on the camera.

"Oh, uh, I came over to talk to Matt," I explained, keeping the camera angled at Chris and me while turning my head to glance at Matt. His clueless expression drew a smile from me, a silent acknowledgment of his typical befuddlement.

"Plus, I never really leave home without my cameras," I continued as Chris took the camera out of my hand and held it at a higher viewpoint, adjusting it to frame all of us, including Nick.
Matt, sensing the shift in focus, walked over and sat down next to his brother.

"Nick said you guys were ready to film whenever, so here we are!" I finished, and my response conveyed a sense of spontaneity. Chris, now peering into the viewfinder, absentmindedly adjusted his hair and mumbled lyrics from a Lil Skies song.

Matt couldn't help but comment with a snicker, "Kid thinks he's in an edit again." Immediately stopping his actions, Chris slowly turned his attention to his brother, eyeing him up and down "I'll deal with you later" That's when Mary-Lou walked in, her face lighting up with a wide smile as she noticed me. She quickened her pace and walked over to where I stood, unable to hide her excitement.

"Arabella, sweetheart, how have you been? God, it's been ages," she exclaimed warmly.

Whispers of Truth |  Matt SturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now