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Silence, a profound abyss that descends upon the space, casting an unbearable weight upon the souls of those ensnared within its grasp. It weaves a tapestry of discomfort, stitching together the hearts of all who stand in its shadow. In my case, it was an unforgiving brand of betrayal and anguish that silence delivered. The torment of feeling forsaken was mine to bear, while Matt and Chris sought penance for their lack of respect against my feelings.

It had been a month, thirty one long days, and not a word had passed between us. I hadn't looked Matt in the eyes since that 'Truth or Dare' video for the truth had pierced deeper than any dare ever could. This estrangement did not escape the notice of their fervent fans. The comments that now flooded our videos and social media platforms painted a stark portrait of my discontent, a glaring testament that had torn our once unbreakable bond asunder.

"You know how Matt said he loves me?"

Kami's voice sliced through my thoughts, like a ray of sunlight breaking through heavy clouds. Her words held the promise of something beautiful, yet they stung my heart like a hidden thorn.

I turned to her, forcing a smile, concealing the ache that simmered beneath. Each repetition of her confession felt like another cut on my soul, a secret pain I buried beneath a veneer of laughter. "Yeah, you've mentioned it numerous times," I giggled, my tone expertly masking the well-practiced art of deception I'd become adept at. The inner turmoil was my best-kept secret.

Kami continued sifting through the kaleidoscope of dresses from my overflowing closet, a privilege that came with the territory of being an influencer. Her declaration hung in the air, tantalizing and cruel, like a melody you can't escape. "Well," she began, the words dripping with anticipation, "He's taking me to Abe & Louie's. This time, I'm going to say it back."

My jaw clenched at the sound of the name, and as she spoke, I couldn't help but wonder if the cost of their love meant the gradual erosion of my place in Matt's world. Leaving me stranded on the sidelines of a romance that was never meant to include me.

Her words dissolved into the recesses of my mind, swept away by the tidal wave of recollection, as I revisited the nightmarish 'date' with Chris. The stark memories of that evening came rushing back like an unwelcome tempest, each detail etched in my mind as though it had been branded by fire.

The dress I had worn, a fragile cloak of elegance, clung to me like a costume. His tailored suit, the embodiment of false charm, concealed the intentions that lurked beneath. The flowers, once symbolizing romance, had withered into tokens of deception. The music, a haunting melody, echoed through the corridors of my memory, a haunting reminder that everything had been meticulously choreographed, all for the perverse amusement of his YouTube audience.


The sound of my name, a delicate melody escaping Kami's lips, beckoned me back to the present. I lifted my gaze from my thoughts, my response a soft hum in acknowledgment of her call. Her concern deep in her voice, cutting through the layers of pretense that shrouded me like a heavy veil.

"What's going on with you?" Kami's words were a lifeline thrown into the tempestuous sea of my emotions. I hesitated, a shadow of uncertainty flickering across my face before I replied, my voice quivering with a disguise of normalcy. "Nothing, I'm fine."

Kami had been with me through it all, and she obviously couldn't contain her frustration any longer. In one swift motion, she discarded the dress that had once clung to her chest, allowing it to tumble unceremoniously to the floor. Her eyes bore into mine, her tone as fierce as her love for me.

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