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𝘼𝙧𝙖𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙖 𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙚

𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳 ...

The airport was enveloped in a surreal stillness, a hush that blanketed everything, save for the occasional muted announcement over the intercom. I watched as snowflakes danced outside the window, each one a reminder of the forces that kept me from reaching Matt. Frustration boiled within me as I tapped my fingers on the armrest of the uncomfortable airport chair.

All I wanted was to finally be with him, to embrace the love we'd fought so hard to protect. But it seemed like something always stood in our way. First, his tour had pulled him away when we were on the brink of reuniting. Then, I had been swept into a whirlwind fashion shoot in Milan, which had left me longing for him from afar. And of course, after that, our schedules continued to taunt us, each day filled with obligations and responsibilities, leaving no room for a love that had been so profound.

But then, there was that one magical night that emerged like a ray of hope in the midst of our demanding lives. Matt had orchestrated a surprise visit during Paris Fashion Week, and I couldn't help but smile at the memory of that extraordinary evening. It was a reminder of the strength of our connection and the lengths we were willing to go to be together.

My thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of Kami, who appeared with two steaming cups of hot cocoa in her hands. Her cheerful demeanor was a welcome distraction from the airport's sterile atmosphere.

"Hey Bells" she chimed, handing me a cup. "You look like you could use some warmth on a chilly night like this."

I gratefully accepted the hot cocoa, feeling its comforting heat seeping through my chilled fingers, offering Kami a warm smile

"Thanks, Kami," I said, savoring the first sip. "You're a lifesaver."

As I savored the hot cocoa, savoring its comforting warmth, Kami settled into a nearby chair. Her gaze flitted between the airport's bustling crowd and me, her best friend. It had been a while since we'd had quality time together, and she was making the most of our impromptu reunion.

"You're going to give that poor boyfriend of yours a complex if you keep delaying your meet ups"

I giggled, the mention of Matt tugging at my heartstrings. "I know, Kami, but you know how our schedules have been lately. This will be the last time we're apart"

Kami grinned, the mischievous glint in her eyes making me suspicious. "I can't wait, I've already started planning things out. You are going to love it!"

As I began to share my anticipation of reuniting with Matt, my mind wandered to the adventures we'd have, the places we'd explore, and the moments we'd cherish when we could finally be together, uninterrupted.

Kami took a sip of her own hot cocoa and sighed contentedly. Her eyes sparkled with a mixture of holiday cheer and sympathy, a silent understanding of the situation we found ourselves in.

"It's not the ideal way to start the holiday season, but at least we have each other," she said, her words carrying a sense of solace.

I nodded, touched by her sentiment. "You're right, Kami. If I had to spend the night at the airport with anyone I'm glad it's with you." The storm raged on outside, but in that moment, sipping hot cocoa with my best friend in the airport, I felt a sense of warmth and connection that made the snowstorm seem a little less daunting.

As we were in the midst of our conversation, my phone chimed with a FaceTime call. I glanced at the screen and saw Matt's name lighting up my phone. Without hesitation, I excused myself from Kami and moved away to answer his call, a smile already forming on my lips.

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