~S1:E01-Big Time Audition~

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I was currently in my father's limo, on my way to the auditions. The one and only, Gustavo Rocque was looking for an artist to take under his wing.

we've been through many different states, yet my father still didn't manage to pick out a single good singer to take back to LA. not that there weren't any good ones, but the vast majority were awful. and with my father's pickyness, of course we were struggling.

Currently, we were in Minnesota. Our last state, so we had to find somebody or my father would be out of a job.

I noticed the limo has come to a stop, and Kelly opened the door as Gustavo and I stepped out.

"Where am I, and why am I freezing?" my father asked.

"We're in Minnesota" I answered as Kelly gave us a smile and handed Gustavo a coffee cup.

"What's up Minnesota!" my father yelled, before quietly letting out a "I hate all of them" loud enough for Kelly and I to hear, but not loud enough for the people cheering him on to hear.

as he tried taking a sip out of his cup, he noticed the coffee was frozen.

"and the state for freezing my latte" he continued his rant, taking out the now fully frozen liquid and putting it into Kelly's palm.

Kelly then threw it away.

"It's our last stop so just focus and try not to make everybody cry" Kelly said, and I nodded in agreement.

"somewhere out here is your next big star dad, I have a good feeling about this" I said, and he turned to me in disbelief.

"I'M the star. What I need is a canvas with great hair that I can paint my pomp on." Kelly and I crossed our arms as he continued his little speech.

"I need a singing block of wood that I can set on fire, so please tell me where in, uh.."

"Minnesota" I reminded him.

"Where in Minnesota is my fire?"

I just rolled my eyes. This was gonna be interesting.


as we made our way to the auditions room, I saw nobody that looked promising enough. I sighed, knowing this was gonna be another day of my father screaming at people and crushing their dreams.

even though he was my father, I actually had a grasp on empathy, believe it or not.

"And I'm so in love with youuuu" a girl sand on stage, and I silently winced at what was about to go down next.

"Your singing makes me wanna dance!" my father said, making the girl smile proudly, content with his answer. it made me however, wince even more as I knew my father's statement wasn't finished.

"off of a cliff!" he yelled.

"yup, there it is" I quietly said to myself.

"Next!" my father yelled.


soon enough, the auditions were over. the best singing we've heard was performed by a dog, but that obviously wasn't what my dad wanted to take back to LA. so, as we were getting ready to leave, my father on edge as he was about to loose his job due to not finding his fire, Kelly came back into the room.

"Sit back, we have four more boys performing. Yes they're late, but we're desperate so we physically need to compromise or we're out of a job" she explained before my father could say anything.

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