~S1:E09-Big Time Demos~

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"I can't believe we've been here for three months" Kendall said, and those words felt like a punch to the gut. Three months. what these boys failed to realize is that they've already completed the deal my father made with them. they've been working their butts off for three months, recording demos.

and if their demos don't get picked, they're all getting sent right back to Minnesota, where they could only think about BTR as what could've been. that thought made my heart sink, and my chest feel heavy. I don't think I could cope with the boys going home, yet there was a good chance they were going to be.

I mean, in my opinion, the boys deserve a clear win. but, all of that depends on whoever it is that picks the demos. but, if there's one thing I know, it's that this band deserves a real shot at fame. they work really hard, and are all super talented. and then, my thoughts trialed off to James. I wasn't gonna be the one to tell the boys and crush their spirits, but I don't think any of them would be nearly as upset as James if they were to actually get sent home.

I mean, the boy had every reason to be upset. In my opinion, he held the most raw talent out of any of them, and it was a fact that the boy cared about the band the most at this point in time. I'm sure the rest of the boys will learn to treasure it if the band gets to take things further, but as of right now, there's no doubt in my mind James would do anything and everything to keep this band and his dream alive.

and that alone made my heart hurt even more. I could see the boy's passion and love for what he does, and I'd hate to see it all get thrown in the water just because of some stupid record company not having a good opinion. objectively, out of all the other bands, big time rush was the most unique and the most likely to actually make it in the music industry.

"three glorious fun filled months" Carlos said, snapping me out of my thoughts. good for me, as I'm sure if I continued thinking I'd actually start crying.

"three glorious fun filled, sun filled months!" James happily chimed in, and I gave him somewhat of a sad smile.

"hey Ems, what are you so quiet for? haven't you been having fun having us around?"

and with that, my eyes started to tear up as I buried my face into Carlos's shoulder. I couldn't look at them. I had no idea why it got to me so bad, I mean I wasn't even sure if the boys were going home or no, but I guess just the possibility of it made my stomach churn.

"whoa, are you-" Kendall began, before Kelly suddenly spoke and I could feel Carlos wrap a comforting arm around me.

"hey guys! just stopped by to drop off your tickets" she said, and that was my last straw. as she said that, I started proper crying and saying the boys were confused would be an understatement.

"hockey tickets?" Logan asked.

"concert tickets" James added.

"also why's Emma crying?" Carlos asked.

"plane tickets" Kelly said, but the guys still didn't seem to be getting the hint.

"you guys do know that if your demos don't get picked by the record company tomorrow, you're going back to Minnesota"

"what?" the boys all asked in unison. I just sat there, still crying. humiliating, even they're not crying and they're the ones actually potentially being sent home.

"Emma, look at me, it'll be okay, you hear me?" Carlos said and I lifted my head from his shoulder as I gave him a slight nod.

"yeah, don't give up on us just yet. I mean, there's a good chance our demos will get picked and we get to stay" Logan said and I sighed, wiping my tears away.

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