~S1:E07-Big Time Photoshoot~

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I was currently at the big time crib, watching the boys play hockey... indoors. their passion for the sport was extremely cute to me, it's what the band was built on. their bond, the name, the first single- it all ties to hockey, and I was even considering starting to get into the sport.

well, maybe not playing it, but watching games with the boys wouldn't be too bad of an idea.

and also, I decided that I still don't have a solution for my little problem that occured a few days ago. so, I also decided ignoring James was still my safest bet. maybe talking to him briefly from time to time if I really had to, to not make the atmosphere more awkward than it had to be.

and it was already super awkward. I never really realized, but James and I were pretty close, and only now did I see just how close.

It was noticable that my bond with the boy was missing. I think it's safe to say the boys themselves noticed it too, but they didn't say anything about it. and to my surprise, James didn't even try to talk to me about it. after he saw I didn't want to in the mansion, he gave up alltogether which I respected. I respected that he respected my private space.

and yes, I'm aware- it wasn't James's fault. I wasn't even blaming him, it wasn't the reason I didn't talk to him. it was simply due to the fact that I wanted him to get over whatever it was he was feeling, and after the kiss it just feels super awkward talking to the boy. so, I didn't.

maybe not the smartest solution on my end, but I have no idea what else I could do, so this will do for now until I manage to come up with a better solution.

just then, Kelly walked into the apartment, and the next thing that was heard was an air horn blaring. the boys stopped their game, and Carlos pushed Logan to the floor for some unknown reason. I helped the poor boy up as Kelly spoke.

"get your helmets off and your smiles on" she said.

"Gustavo pulled some strings, and if we hurry you can make the next pop tiger hot new star pinup fold out special spring poster issue"

"Kelly, in English, please?" Kendall spoke.

"They're gonna be in pop tiger!?" I yelled, and Kelly nodded before shifting her attention to the boys.

"it's picture day, move it!" she said before blowing the horn once more as the boys all cheered and ran after her.


in the car, the boys actually made me sit next to James. I don't know why, but both them and Camille were acting very strange when it came to the boy and I. James beamed in excitement. even though I wasn't talking to him, it still made me smile to see how genuinely happy he was about this.

"I can't believe we're gonna be in pop tiger!" the boy yelled.

"yeah, me neither. this is huge!" and with my comment, James seemed taken aback as I'd actually acknowledged his existence for the first time since the mansion.

"I know, it's totally awesome!" Carlos happily chimed.

"what's a pop tiger?" he quickly added and I face palmed.

"only the most popular teen magazine in the world" I said and James whipped it out from his jacket, nodding to me in agreement.

"is that Emma's? please tell me it's Emma's. or Katie's. just tell me it's not yours" Logan said and I bit back a laugh.

"hey, this magazine has great articles for guys too!" the boy defended. I knew it didn't, so I was interested to see where this would go.

Picture this | James Diamond x Emma MooreWhere stories live. Discover now