~S1:E11-Big Time Jobs~

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"okay, the first to race around the Palm Woods and ring the bell at the front desk, wins the Palm Woods 500 invitational all-terrain decathlon classic" Kendall began. I was in the boys' apartment and they stupidly decided to have this race for some DIY homemade trophy thing.

"And super champion of the world" James continued and I rolled my eyes as I watched the boys intently. I knew the idea was stupid and they were bound to break many things, but hey, I wasn't gonna stop them. not that I could, anyway.

"and wins the Palm Woods 500 world cup!" Katie declared, holding the large trophy in her arms.

"you will be mine!" Carlos and Logan said in unison, and before you knew it, Katie announced the beginning of the race as the four boys stumbled and ran out of the apartment as quick as they could. Katie and I then made our way down to the lobby to see which boy would be the first to ring the bell. and to see how many items they'd break whilst trying to do so.

and in no time, they all stumbled their way inside and quickly jumped over the front desk, and the bell dinging could be heard in the process.

"who was it?" I asked the little girl standing besides me, as I wasn't really able to catch it.

"Carlos" she whispered, and then the boys all came out from behind the desk and eagerly demanded we tell them who won.

"it's Carlos!" the little girl and I yelled out in unison, and the boys - apart from Carlos of course - were expressing their disappointment.

"yeah!" the winning boy declared cheerfully, as he hopped over the front desk and grabbed the trophy, giving it a big kiss.

"you are all going to pay for this!" Bitters said and I winced, knowing he meant literally when he said pay. and, since the boys had no actual money for themselves yet, I knew my dad would have to be the one to pay. Bitters then proceeded to calculate exactly how much the boys would be needing to pay back, and the total amount made my stomach churn.

2000 dollars. my dad wasn't gonna be so happy about that.

I sighed, and decided to call him to inform him of the news. I mean, it's better he finds out over the phone than in real life. I dialed the mans number, and after around 4 rings he finally picked up.

"yes, Ems?"

"Look dad- I just wanted to tell you that the boys were doing some race thing around the Palm Woods and... well, they ended up breaking some things and Bitters is making them pay for it, which means you have to pay for it"

and with that, I crossed my fingers, as eerie silence was heard from the other end.

"bring the boys and that front desk idiot to the studio" he said before hanging up. I sighed, turning around to face the boys to see them all staring at me in anticipation.

"what did he say?" they all said in unison, and I sighed yet again.

"studio. now. you too, Bitters"

and with that, Bitters, the boys and I hurriedly made our way to Rocque records and I was just hoping they'd make it out of this whole ordeal alive.

"two thousand dollars?!" my dad yelled out, as the boys and I sat on the Rocque Records couch.

"and thirty cents" Bitter declared.

"they destroyed the Palm Woods computerized registration system, two lamps, three vases, and my pants" the angry man continued.

"but I won the palm woods 500 world cup!" Carlos exclaimed, and I patted him on the shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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