~S1:E03-Big Time Crib~

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after a long day at work, I retrieved back to my apartment, ready to relax for the evening before going to bed.

I made a cup of coffee- in order not to fall asleep just yet- and decided to work on my songwriting. my father said Griffin asked for a love song, so that's what was gonna keep me busy for the next few hours.

I grabbed my guitar and placed my cup of coffee onto my coffee table, as well as my songbook. I plopped down on the couch and began playing a melody.

soon enough, like magic, lyrics came to me, so I quickly grabbed my book and began scribbling down the lyrics.

any kind of guy you want, that's the guy I'll be
I'll turn myself upside down

it wasn't much, but it was something. and just then, completely shifting my focus, a frantic knock at my door could be heard.

I jogged over to the door, opening it to reveal none other than big time rush on the other side.

"what do you guys want? do you not see what time it is? shouldn't you be back at your apartment?" I ask them, confused.

"and also, how'd you even find my apartment? I never told you where it is" I continued, even more confused now.

"we might've payed Bitters to tell us" Carlos revealed, earning a smack from each of the boys.

"hey! we weren't supposed to tell her!" Kendall said and I rolled my eyes.

"alright, what brings you here?" I asked and James cleared his throat.

"basically, we tried to hang out by the pool" he began.

"but then they escorted us because Lightning was shooting a commercial for sexy dog dog food" Logan continued.

"then, we tried to chill in the lobby" Carlos continued.

"aaand Bitters told us we can't be in the lobby past 9 PM" Kendall added.

"then, we went back to our apartment" Logan said.

"realized that it stunk" James said.

"then, we payed Bitters to tell us where your apartment is" Carlos said.

"and now, we're here in hopes you'll let us hang out" Kendall finished.

"alright, well that's a lot to take in but sure. come in" I smiled and opened the door for them to come in. as they did, I closed the door behind me and we all sat on the couch.

"is that a new song you're writing?" Carlos asked.

"yup, but do not look" I said, closing my songbook.

"the only rule while you're in this apartment- do not touch the songbook! the songs are mainly unfinished and I don't want anyone seeing my unfinished work. as for the rest? make yourselves at home" I said.

the boys smiled and thanked me.

we ended up watching a movie on the couch. I brought them extra blankets and pillows, and surprise surprise, they ended up falling asleep. I decided on letting them crash here though, since I felt bad waking them.

they really did need a nicer apartment


the next day at Rocque records, the boys were introduced to the ultrateen crib by Griffin.

"we call it the ultimate teen crib, filled with amazing home electronics, arcade games..." a woman the boys and I seemingly never met before started, showing the boys a picture of a really nice teen apartment.

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