~S1:E08-Big Time Break~

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currently, the boys and I were chilling by the pool. they were laying down on the pool chairs while I was sitting and dipping my feet in the pool, trying to write a song. unfortunately, I wasn't very successful though.

"hey did I ever tell you guys about the time my hair dryer blew up and I-" James began, but the boys quickly cut him off with annoyed yes's and heard it's. I raised an eyebrow.

"you know what I think ruins a smoothie?" Logan asked.


"raspberry seeds"

"heard it"

now I was really getting a bit concerned. these boys never acted like this.

"hey do you guys remember that time-" Carlos began, only to be cut off again.

"robots from space" the boys all annoyedly said.

"okay, I heard enough. what's with the sudden attitude?" I asked them, closing my songbook as I realized inspiration wasn't hitting.

"we are spending way too much time together" Kendall said.

"I am starting to hate all of you!" James said, and I gave him a glare.

"same here" Logan said.

"okay, you guys don't actually mean that-"

"split up!" Carlos yelled and I groaned as all the boys just ran into random directions. I got up from the side of the pool and dried my feet with a towel, before slipping on my slippers and sitting into one of the pool chairs. letting out a sigh, I decided I'd text Jo and Camille to accompany me at the pool.

me: you free to come join me by the pool? the boys just ditched me

Camille: sure, give me a sec!

Jo: I'll be down there too

And a few moments later, my two best friends were seen walking into the pool area as they sat next to me. Camille was for whatever reason dressed as a witch. Though I guessed it was another role, so I didn't question it much.

"So, how come the boys ditched you?" Jo asked, and I let out another sigh.

"I don't know what happened to them to be honest. everything was fine when we came to the pool. the boys were laying down tanning, they were a little quiet but nothing too unusual. then, James started to talk about something and the boys all cut him off and annoyedly said they had heard his story already. then the same happened with Logan and Carlos, and Kendall said they were spending too much time together. and then Logan and James said they were starting to hate each other, so they split up and ran off God knows where" I explained, and Camille and Jo just stared at me in confusion.

"I mean, they have been spending a lot of time together" Jo reasoned, and I shrugged.

"but they've been spending time together every day since childhood. what's changed now? how come now they're suddenly fed up with each other?" Camille asked.

"yeah, I don't know either. I don't know, I hope they figure it out and it doesn't turn into something bigger than it is already. I'd hate to see them fighting" I said.

just then, Camille got a phone call.

"it's from.. James?" she said before answering it.

"yeah? with what? o-okay but- aaand he hung up" she said, taking her phone away from her ear.

"James needs my help with something, sorry girls. gotta bounce" Camille said.

"actually, Emma should go with you because I have to uh.. um... go stand over there for an hour!" Jo said as she pushed me into Camille and ran to the other side of the pool.

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