~S1:E10-Big Time Party~

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I was currently in my apartment, my guitar, pen, songbook and coffee cup accompanying me on my couch.

I was just about to begin playing a melody, as I heard my phone ring.

buzz buzz

dad. I picked it up.


"Emma, I need you in the studio. we're throwing this fancy Big Time Rush party thing-" he began but before he could continue I cut him off.

"woah, I really don't feel like attending a party, dad" I said.

"oh, don't worry. you're not invited! I just need you here so I can explain how you're gonna keep the dogs away. because they're not invited either"

"Big Time Rush isn't invited to a Big Time Rush party?"

"oh please! you act like you don't know them! they're horrible!"

"alright I'll be there in like fifteen minutes" I sighed as I hung up the phone.

quickly, I set my guitar down and threw on my shoes, making my way over to Rocque records.

"alright, now that you're here-" my dad said as I walked in, and just as he was about to continue the boys came running in after me.

"what's going on?" Kendall asked, and I sighed. this would be difficult.

"please tell us it's a party!" Carlos and James said.

"it is the Big Time Rush party celebrating the making of your first album" Kelly said, and the boys cheered.

"no, you're not invited" my dad said, and their faces dropped.


"one, it's a classy party for executives only. two, I don't need dogs around playing with their food!"

"we don't play with food" Logan and Kendall said.

"James and Carlos, turn around" I quickly said, and the boys listened. James held sushi rolls to his eyes and there were two carrots inside each of the boys noses.

"how can you have a Big Time Rush party without Big Time Rush?" Carlos asked.

"That's what I said!" I added.

"you'll be here in spirit, and in cut out form!" Kelly said.

"well we're staying!" Kendall said. do they always have to be this difficult?

"Fine!" my dad began.

"you can stay. but do not go in my super party fun box!"

and needless to say, the boys did just that. clearly, the box was a trap but they weren't very bright.

"keep them away by all means" my dad stressed.

"if they come back here, they're fired"

I laughed, and my dad ordered Freight train to carry the box into a truck which drove me and the boys - who were still inside the box - back to the palm woods, where they were let out into their apartment.

"I can't believe we fell for that" Kendall said.

"I can't either, I didn't think it'd work" I said, laughing again.

"you knew about this?" Logan asked, and I shrugged.

"I knew you boys weren't invited, but I did not see the box coming"

"are you not invited?" Kendall asked.

"nope. I was told to keep you four away. and do not even think about going back there, because my dad said if you do you're fired"

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