~S1:E05-Big Time Love Song~

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"I think I like Logan" Camille blurted out as I choked on my coffee.

we were currently in my living room, talking, as it has been a while since I last had one on one time with my best friend. I was so occupied with the boys that I didn't find time, and I felt bad, but luckily for me Camille was super understanding.

one of the many things to love about that girl.

"excuse me? where did that come out of?" I said, still trying to process her words.

"I don't know, I'm still not sure- but he's just so cute. his smile, his dimples, the way he always has a plan for every situation, his logical conclusions and smart thinking, the way his eyes spark up whenever he talks about some geeky, nerdy thing nobody else could give a darn about, the way his hair-"

"okay, Camille" I said, giggling a bit.

"that just confirmed your suspicions. but how so soon? it's not like you to crush on someone so quick" I asked and she shrugged.

"I don't know.. I felt it since the moment I first met him. I just didn't realize it until now."

"that's so cool! I'll set you guys up. I'll be your wingman! or I guess... wingwoman." I rambled and Camille laughed.

"thank you, Moore. you're the best" she said and I smiled.

"so, you have a thing for one of the boys minus Logan yet?" she said and I laughed at how protective she was of him already. cute. maybe a tad bit toxic, but in my eyes, cute.

"no, Camille. I told you, I'm keeping our relationships strictly professional. even the friendship we built kind of oversteps that, but I mean those boys mean too much to me at this point. we hang out literally all day every day, I wouldn't be able to let that go anymore" I said, taking another sip of my coffee.

"right, so breaking another one of your dumb rules wouldn't be too bad!" Camille concluded, making me choke on my coffee again.

"Camille, I am not falling for those boys. Kendall is like a brother to me-"

"so that leaves Carlos and James!" she cut me off.

"Carlos feels like a son almost. like a precious, innocent kid I vow to take care of" I explained.

"okay, so James" she concluded.

"James is too egotistical and self centered!" I said, and she laughed.

"oh please, like you don't like boys with an ego. all the characters from the shows we watch who you crush on have egos ten times bigger than James!" she said, and I scoffed.

"oh, please. give me one example" I said and she crossed her arms.

"Vegeta is your favorite anime character, I think that's enough said" she said and I groaned.

"that's different! he's egotistical because he's strong and he knows it!" I said, and Camille smiled.

"and James is egotistical because he's pretty and he knows it. I mean, Logan's just my type, but you can't deny James is hot" Camille said.

"what exactly are you trying to do here? make me fall for one of them? for what reason?" I said to the girl. I admire how persistent she can be with the most unimportant things, but even this was very unlike her.

"I'm trying to get you to live a little? when's the last time you had a crush that wasn't Dak Zevon or Leonardo DiCaprio!" she asked.

"hey! Jack Dawson is way more dateable than any real life boy and you know it!" I defended.

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