~S1:E06-Big Time Mansion~

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just to prepare you, stuff does go down in this chapter, so enjoy:)


I was currently in my apartment, trying to find some writing inspiration when I got a text from my dad, telling me he needed me in the studio asap.

I sighed in annoyance as I changed into some gray sweats and a tight white crop top t-shirt, throwing on my shoes and tying my hair into a bun.

I quickly fixed myself one of my homemade strawberry milkshakes Kelly actually taught me how to make, and I made my way over to Rocque records.

as I got there, I walked straight into studio A, where my dad said he'd be waiting for me.

"Emma!" he said, and I gave him a puzzled look, taking a sip out of my milkshake.

I saw the boys were in the recording booth already, so I shot them a quick wave which they returned.

"I need your opinion. tell me weather this sounds good or no" my dad said, and I raised my eyebrows.

"you called me just to ask for my opinion on a song?" I said, and my father simply nodded.

the corners of my lips curved into a small smile.

"aww. how come?"

"uh, maybe because it's your song and I want to see if you had some vision to perfect it" he said, all matter of fact.

"alright, let's hear it. famous from the top" my dad said as he started recording the boys.

so he decided to use famous. that made me happy, as it was one of my favorite songs out of the few I'd written so far, it just gave me good vibes.

the boys sang and I couldn't stop the smile that grew with each line. they sounded amazing.

as the song ended, I took my headset off and stared at the boys in awe. then, my eyes shifted to my dad, who was anticipating my opinion.

"I love it, dad. it's perfect, it's just how I envisioned it- if not even better than that" I smiled.

my dad shot a thumbs up in the boys direction and they celebrated.

"so it sounded great, right?" Kendall asked hopefully.

"no" my dad said.

"greenday sounds great. you guys didn't make me wanna vomit" he said, my eyes opening wide and mouth agaping at his words.

the boys sounded more than great, they sounded utterly amazing.

"dad! that was just rude. why can't you tell the boys you appreciate them from time to time, and, I don't know, maybe thank them for all they do? those boys work very hard-" and with that, my dad cut me off.

"look, I know you're friends with those dogs now and you feel the need to defend them. but showing thanks is a sign of weakness. and besides, you don't hear them thanking me"

just then, before I was able to reply, the boys walked out of the booth.

"Gustavo" Kendall began.

"we just wanted to thank you" he said, and my eyebrow raised.

this was comical.

then, the rest of the boys said their thanks and I nudged my father.

"I just wanted to say, you guys are... done for the day"

with that, he stood up and Kelly and I rolled our eyes.

"and so are you, Emma. Kelly and I are off to North Carolina" he continued. my father informed me about the trip a few days ago, and asked if I wanted to tag along. part of me wanted to, but I realized I'd rather stay home and get work done. besides, I was looking forward to spending more time with the boys, any moment spent with them was well spent.

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