~S1:E02-Big Time School of Rocque~

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"what's going on?" I asked the boys when I got to the pool. Kendall just texted me and said he needed my help with something, and it was urgent.

then, I looked at the pool and saw James floating in it, asleep on one of the pool chairs.

"this is what you urgently need help with?" I ask them.

"you'll see, it'll be worth it" Kendall smirked.

"Carlos, do the honors" he continued.

"whoa! free hair gel!" the boy yelled, and James jumped and fell into the pool, making the four of us burst out laughing.

"I actually thought he wouldn't be stupid enough to fall for that" I said.

"was it worth it?" Kendall asked, and I gave in.

"okay fine, it was. but in the future don't call me saying it's an emergency if it isn't!" I said, pointing a finger at him as he raised his hands up in defence.

"funny. real funny. now where's the free hair gel?!" James angrily said, and I handed him a towel as he climbed out of the pool.

"cool off, hockey head" I said, ruffling his wet hair.

he seemed to stiffen at my gesture, which I chuckled at. boys.

"how sweet is this? it's like a vacation with singing! it's a singcation" Carlos said, making me laugh at how dumb that is.

"okay guys dry up and get dressed, it's time to hit the studio" Kelly said as she walked over to us.

"oh no" I sighed, knowing what was coming.

normally, I attended online school because my dad didn't want to homeschool me. not that he didn't feel like doing it, but he just thought I'd be better educated online. but now that the boys are here, he says I need "social interaction", so he made up the school of rocque and that's where the boys and I are gonna be going from now on.

I didn't tell them though, I didn't wanna crush their spirits.

"Kelly!" Kendall began.

"what does the great Gustavo Rocque have in store for us today?" he asked.

"harmonies?" Logan suggested.

"breaking down some new dance moves?" Carlos added.

"a big Hollywood party to get us some red carpet exposure?" James said.

"Emma will you tell them or will I have to be the dream crusher?" Kelly asked me, and I winced.

"it's all you, Kels"

"you're going to school" she said, without hesitation.

then, the boys screamed.



as we made our way to the school of rocque, the boys had an annoying amount of questions to ask me.

"for the last time guys, I never went to this school. so no, I don't know what the teacher is like, I don't know if we get breaks, I don't know if we go on field trips, and I don't know if we get lunch breaks! he made this school up yesterday! I was online schooled up until now" I explained and they all sighed in defeat.

as we got there, we realized two chairs were placed beneath one desk as there was five of us and only four desks. meaning two people would have to share, and we agreed I'd be sharing with someone as I was the smallest and wouldn't need as much space. And as Kendall was about to take the seat next to me, James pushed him out of the way.

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