two*°:⋆ₓₒ such a messy girl

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Li's POV

I wake up the next morning, blinking blearily as I become accustomed to the light shining through the window.

I snuggle into the blankets, sighing with satisfaction at the comfort it brings.

"Jimin," I mumble into my pillow.

Upon getting no response, I twist to my side to find his side of the bed empty. I release a small sound of disappointment and push myself to sit up to further investigate.

"Jimin?" I call, rubbing my eyes tiredly. "Where are you?"

I blink a few times, scanning his room for any sight of him, and as I am, a memory rams into my chest.

My eyes widen.

Color rises to my cheek, and I manage a questionable squeak, last night's happenings burning through my mind.

My stomach swims with arousal, and my mind hurts with apprehension.

We have to talk about it. They said we would talk about it.

Where are they?

My breathing quickens.

They said they weren't mad, but what if they woke up and changed their mind? What if they left? What if they never come back and I'm all alone, and it'll be all my fault, and—

Jimin's bathroom door opens, breaking off my train of thought.

His attention is on his sleeve as he cuffs it up and around his elbows. His forehead is creased with thought, and I panic.

Is he thinking about how mad he is at me? Is he getting dressed and leaving forever?

I choke back a sob, my eyes full of tears.

He looks up at the sound, his brows furrowed with confusion. He takes one look at me before making it to me in a few strides.

"Breathe, sweetheart." He leans down, cupping my cheek in his hand. "You're fine."

I hold onto his arm, keeping a tight grip on it. My chest rises and falls rapidly as I search his face for any sign of anger.

My heart falls.

For any sign of regret.

"What's going on?" His thumb caresses my cheek. "Did you have a nightmare? Are you still confused?"

I shake my head, leaning further into his touch.

"No?" he murmurs. "Then what are the tears for?"

Before I can think of how to respond, his bedroom door opens and Jungkook walks in.

My breath catches in my throat.

He's still here.

Does that mean—?

Concern sketches itself into his features.

"What's wrong?" He walks toward us, scanning my face as he approaches. "What happened?"

Jimin doesn't remove his eyes from mine as he relays, "She was just about to tell me."

Jungkook makes it to us, his features pinched as he takes in my tears. "Baby, don't cry. Tell us what's wrong."

I blink, sending my tears falling down my cheeks.

Jimin's thumb wipes them away, uttering soft comfort as he does. Cradling the back of my head, he urges his fingers up to caress my hair.

"Listen to Jungkook," he instructs gently. "Tell us what's wrong."

I look between them, the tears falling quicker at the thought of never seeing them again.

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