thirty-three₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚the article

808 25 80

Yoongi's POV

I look up from my phone at Jin. He's sitting on the couch, his laptop open but forgotten as he stares off to the side.

I watch him for a moment, letting him bask in his zoning out before prompting, "Your work not interesting enough to keep your attention?"

His eyes snap to mine. "What?"

I motion to his laptop. "Your work. You were zoning out."

"Oh." He takes a second. Nods slowly. "I'm mapping out ideas for a new schedule."

"Your old one wasn't working for you?"

He returns his attention to his laptop. "I want—" He hesitates. "More time."


"I don't know."

I smile a bit at the awkward demeanor that overtakes him. It happens so quickly each time, stealing the vulnerability of a friend I used to know. "I won't judge."

He grunts, keeping his eyes glued to his laptop. "Life."

"That's good."

He rubs the top of his wrist. "I want to be around here more often."

"For Li?"

He rubs his wrist harder. "For her." He won't look at me. "For everyone."

I hum, pleasantly surprised. "That's good." Not wanting to push him into himself by pressing on the subject, I simply add, "That sounds nice."

He nods curtly, but my response eases his rubbing, and his fingers shift back to his keyboard. He doesn't respond, but his awkward aura has lifted slightly.

I smile to myself and return my attention to my phone.

Half an hour must pass of us doing our own thing when I come across a post on a website I'm browsing. Confusion tugs at my brows, and I click the link, waiting as I'm redirected to a different website.

 Confusion tugs at my brows, and I click the link, waiting as I'm redirected to a different website

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I feel my blood run cold before it boils

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I feel my blood run cold before it boils.



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