thirty-four*♡∞:。possessive sex

760 22 91

Li's POV

I knock on Jin's door when night comes around, already dressed in my pajamas. I chose my comfiest pair, the one with faux wool that makes it feel like I'm constantly receiving a hug because I'm nervous, and I thought it would help.

It's not helping.

Jin speaks from the other side of the door. "Come in."

I take a deep breath before opening the door and stepping inside. Carefully closing it behind me, I hold the doorknob for a moment longer before releasing it and turning to face him.

Closing his laptop, he pushes it away as he straightens his posture. "Hey."

My features slip into a small smile. "Hi. I was just"—I jut my thumb toward his door—"coming to say goodnight. If you're busy, I can go."

He pats the bed, and my smile grows as I hurry over.

Climbing on his bed, I shift closer until I'm beside him, his laptop a few inches from us. I glance at it. "Work?"

I can feel his eyes on the side of my face, and I turn to catch his gaze, tilting my head when he doesn't respond.

"Not work?" I guess.


"Oh. Okay." I scoot closer. "What were you doing then?" I hesitate. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound like I was prying or anything. I was just—" I wince. "I was trying to make conversation, but I've always kind of sucked at it."

"You don't suck at it."

"Thanks," I return sarcastically. "But I sound like a jealous girlfriend trying to catch her boyfriend cheating."

His lips twitch in response. "I don't mind."

I peek over at him. "You don't?"

"You can ask me whatever you want." He gestures to his laptop. "I was looking through old videos and photos."

I perk up. "Of you and the guys?"


"Mostly?" I turn to him, my smile brimming with curiosity. "What else?"

He rubs the top of his thigh slowly, his lips pursed as he thinks. "Evidence."

I falter. "Evidence?"

"Against the article."

My brows furrow. "I don't understand."

He breathes deeply. "Gyeo. I still have videos of her."

I freeze. "Oh. I didn't—I didn't know that."

"I didn't tell you."

"I know you—yeah, I—no, you didn't. You—" I inhale sharply. "Yeah."

He shifts his hand to my thigh instead of his. "I haven't watched them since she sent them. This is just for evidence."

"I know," I blurt, blinking rapidly as I struggle to reel myself back in. "I know."

We both fall silent, and I shift away slightly, my voice lowering into a whisper. "I should probably go to bed."

He reaches forward, taking a hold of my arm gently. "Don't go."

My features twist. "I don't want to pry."

"Asking isn't prying." He gently pulls me back to him and settles me close to his side. Kissing the side of my head, he murmurs, "Stay."

I hesitate, only relenting when I see the genuine expression in his features. I nod then, looping my arm with his and holding onto him tightly.

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