seventeen✧༝┉˚*❋fight over me

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Li's POV

I'm lying on my bed scrolling through social media, slightly bored and annoyed by certain comment threads when I hear footsteps outside my door.

I perk up, straining to hear who it is.

I'm rewarded with discovering Jimin and Jungkook's low chatter as they near it.

I swing my legs off my bed, almost tripping over myself to get to them, and before I can arrive at my door, they're opening it.

I look up at them, my hands clasped together as I beam and offer a wave.

Jungkook coos, immediately scooping me up and pressing multiple kisses to my face.

"Is someone excited to see us?" he prompts, a teasing smile set on his features. "Did you just miss us so much?"

I giggle, nodding quickly as he nudges his nose against mine.

"We were looking for you," Jimin reveals, undoing the first few buttons of his dress shirt.

Giddy, I question, "You were?"

He hums in response.

"Oh," I say rather happily. "Why? Are we going to hang out?"

Jungkook chuckles, tickling beneath my chin. "You want to hang out with us? What do you want to do?"

"Anything," I chirp, squishing my cheek against his. "We can watch TV, or play games, or talk, or have a snack."

Jimin smiles, amused. "How long have you been bored?"

I blink. "How did you know?"

"You have quite a few things in mind." He chuckles. "You've been thinking."

I hug Jungkook tightly as I nod my agreement.

"Yeah," I agree. "I was scrolling through Instagram." I scrunch my nose. "People are weird."

Jungkook takes me over to my bed. "You just noticed?"

"No," I laugh as he tosses me onto it. "Looking at the comments just reminded me."

"Mhm." He places his hands on either side of me, lowering his face to mine. "Why didn't you come find us if you were bored?"

"Well, because you were at work."

"You should've come. We could've used an excuse to leave early."

My brows furrow. "Why? Was work bad?"

Jimin comments drily, "You could say."

"Too many meetings," Jungkook adds. "Dance practice was exhausting. We were all having an off day and kept having to redo certain moves."

"I'm sorry." I sit up, giving Jungkook a big hug. "Don't worry. You can rest now."

He smiles, tightening his hold on me. "You're very sweet, baby."

I beam, about to hug Jimin when the door swings open and Hoseok demands, "Where is she?"

I jump, slightly startled. Peeking from Jungkook's shoulders, I see Hoseok, his brows drawn tightly together and his forehead creased.

Hoseok spots me quickly, the pinch between his brows easing slightly. He motions me over with a flick of his fingers. "Come here."

I lean back slightly, looking at Jungkook inquisitively. He quirks a brow, turning to catch Hoseok in his gaze.

"She's occupied," he says.

"I had to deal with you in dance practice." Hoseok deadpans. To me, "Come here, baby. Come with me to my room."

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