thirty*•.¸♡shower sex

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Author's Note: I think this song describes the way Jin thinks around Li/himself. Please cry with me :')

Jimin's POV

"He's not here," Li says upon arriving at the ice cream parlor. She turns to Namjoon and me, her eyes full of worry. "He and Yoongi aren't here. His car is gone. It's—Jimin, it's gone."

"It's all right." Namjoon exits the car, squinting as he surveys the parking lot. He motions her over. "Come here."


"Here, baby."

She hesitates before walking to him, letting him pull her to his side. "They're not here, Joon."

He looks at me, watching as I retrieve my phone from my pocket.

"Ah." I release a breath, lifting my eyes to Li. "They went to pick up Jin's car."

She sighs with relief, gripping Namjoon's shirt before tugging it. "Where's his car?"

Namjoon scratches the back of his neck. "Gyeo's apartment."

"What?" She pivots to me, her eyes wide once more. "What if Gyeo tried to slash his tires?"

"Don't worry about that," I reassure her, slipping my phone back into my pocket. "Yoongi said they're already on their way back here."

"Really?" she breathes out. "How close are they?"

"He didn't say, but I'm sure they'll be here soon." I gesture to the parlor. "Do you want something while we wait?"

She shakes her head quickly. "I want Jin and Yoongi to come back."

"They're on their way." Namjoon soothes a hand through her hair. "How about some pink lemonade, hm? How about I go grab it for you?"

She hesitates before relenting, murmuring a 'yes, please' as he continues combing his fingers through her hair.

"All right." He pats her lower back reassuringly. "I'll be right back."

She watches after him before turning her anxious expression to me. I motion her forward, and she hurries to me, tucking her form beneath my arm.

"Try to relax," I murmur. "This was just a big misunderstanding, okay? Everything will be fine."

Her features twist. "I told him to stay away from me."

"Don't do that." I peer down into her face. "Don't blame yourself."

"But I—"

"You thought he cheated on you, Li. If anyone cheats on you, you have the complete right to tell them to stay away from you, do you understand?"

She blinks up at me. Takes a second. Then, "None of you will cheat on me. Unless," she mumbles as if an afterthought, "you want Namjoon to cut your dick off."

My lips twitch, and I press a soft kiss to her forehead. "Like we've said, baby, we don't want anyone else. Cheating is an insecure and disgusting act, and trust me—" I tilt her chin up, caressing it lightly with my thumb. "We don't stand for it."

She blushes prettily, pushing onto her tiptoes to kiss me. I chuckle, dipping my face down to meet hers, and I can feel some of her tension slip away into the kiss.

"There you go," I murmur into the kiss, guiding her closer to me. "Just relax."

By the time Namjoon returns with a bottle of pink lemonade for her and a Coke for the two of us, she's not as jumpy as before. I can still feel her body's anxious hum against mine, but it's settled slightly.

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