eighteen。❅*⋆comeback, come back

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Li's POV

I scurry over to the door, swinging it open to reveal Yoongi. He's holding a bouquet, his hair a ruffled mess and his tired eyes taking me in with a hint of a smile.

He lifts the flowers. "Surprise."

I grin, grabbing his hand and pulling him into my dressing room. A few of the others flood in behind him, looking equally as tired.

I beam, waving them in. "Come on, come on."

"Hold your horses," Taehyung mumbles, aggressively wiping the sleep from his eyes.

As I'm about to take the flowers from Yoongi, Hoseok walks right into me, lifting me up and pushing me onto the couch.

I yelp in surprise, exploding into a fit of giggles when my makeup artist scolds him.

He buries his face in my hair, breathing deeply.

"Fuck," he sighs. "You smell so good."

"She needs to look good too," my makeup artist, Hana, scolds.

"She always looks good," my four present men shoot back.

Hana gives them 'the look', and Hoseok relents, grumbling under his breath as he sets me onto my feet. 

I offer a head pat for solace.

"We're tired," Yoongi relays as I walk back to him. "Be patient with us. We'll wake up."

My eyes widen. "No, no, it's okay! You didn't even have to come. I'm just happy you're here."

"Of course we are," Namjoon says through a yawn. "We wouldn't miss your comeback stage."

Yoongi hands me the flowers, brushing his knuckles against my chin fondly. "How do you feel?"

I bury my nose in the flowers, sighing with appreciation. My response is almost lost in them. "Nervous. I don't want to mess up."

"You know the dance," Taehyung chimes. "Don't second guess yourself. You're going to kill it."

"I hope not," I try to joke. "Wouldn't want to kill my career like that."

Hoseok lifts a brow. "That stressed out, huh?"

I groan. "I can't help it."

"You know," Namjoon muses. "It seems you can't help a lot of things these days."

I release a startled peep at his innuendo, evoking laughter from the four of them.

"All right," Hana calls. "Come on, Li. I need to fix you up. We have an hour."

"Coming," I respond. To Yoongi, "Thank you for the flowers. I'm going to call them Fred and Friskie."

Taehyung chokes on his yawn, earning a pleased cackle from Hoseok.

"Fred and Friskle?" he screeches.

"Friskie," I correct. "Get it right if you're going to make fun of it."

He falls onto the couch beside Hoseok, attacking the latter for warmth. He mumbles under his breath, "I'll show her."

He does not, in fact, show me. He falls asleep within seconds.

"When are the others coming?" I ask Yoongi as I watch Hoseok shove Taehyung away from him.

Yoongi scratches the side of his face. "Should be soon, bun. They made a stop along the way. Don't worry," he speaks to my worried expression. "They're coming."

Namjoon squeezes my shoulder reassuringly before nudging me toward Hana.

"Go on," he teases. "before Hana kicks us out for making you late."

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