⋆.ೃ࿔*:・strawberries and healing (epilogue)

433 25 37

Li's POV

It's summer. Green and pretty and wild, and the leaves sway as we drive by. I imagine they're waving to us, and my smile grows like the flowers in the fields we pass.

The breeze whips through my hair, cool against my skin, and I turn my smile to the inside of Jimin's new car.

My men are spread throughout comfortably, the extra seats making it as such, and I lean towards Jin.

He was looking at the passing scenery from my window, but once I've turned, his eyes are on mine, and his lips lift into a small smile. They brush my cheek for a gentle kiss, and I hum contentedly, laying my head on his shoulder as Jimin drives us to our destination.

"This car was a great purchase," Jungkook comments absently, his eyes closed and his hands clasped over his chest. "I can finally spread out without bumping anyone's knee."

"I liked when we bumped knees," Taehyung responds. "It made me feel closer to you."

Jungkook sighs. "Taehyung, I love you, but please let me live without your filial crush for one day."

"I have crushes on all of my bros. That's just how it be. However," he adds. "Hosoek is my main lover."

Hoseok sighs. "I can't escape this."

"Just let it happen."

I twist behind me to see our security's van behind us.

Jin pats my hand. "Ignore them."

"That's a little hard to do when they're practically giants," I say pointedly. "And their van is tail-gating us."

He chuckles, lacing our fingers together. "They're not giants."

"They are," I insist. "Practically seven feet tall."

"They're barely over 6 feet." Hoseok laughs. "They just seem tall because you're fun-sized."

I sputter, "Fun-sized?"

"You're a bit on the smaller side, bun. Nothing wrong with it." He chuckles at my indignant expression. "Makes you all the more cuddly."

"Tall people are just as cuddly," I infer. I gesture to everyone. "You're all tall and very cuddly."

This draws a collective aw, and I sigh as my cheeks burn their usual pink color. I don't think I'll ever get used to them openly fawning over me. It's just as intense as it was the first time.

"Anyway," I mutter. "Are we almost there?"

"Is the fun-sized bunny just so excited to get there?" Taehyung croons.

I scowl to fend off my growing blush. "I'm not fun-sized, and I'm not a bunny. I'm bun."

"Is that right?" I can hear Namjoon's smile. "You're bun?"

"I am," I say with finality. "And I'm not a bunny."

"But you'd be a cute bunny," Taehyung teases. "With your big eyes and cute little nose." He makes a reach for me. "Just want to squeeze it."

I squeak in surprise, batting his hand away. "Don't!"

"Come on," he taunts. "Let me squeeze your nose, bunny."

"Bun!" I insist, earning chuckles from everyone. "I'm bun!"

"Okay," Namjoon concedes, amused. "You're our sweet bun. Is that better?"

"Yes," I say decidedly. "That's better."

Another round of aws erupt, and I scowl. "I'm going to tell my security to kick your ass."

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