twenty ೋღ sunlight lovin

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Li's POV

"Jin," I whine upon waking the next morning. I bury my face in his chest, breathing in his comforting smell. "Need you."

His arms tighten around me, his voice husky with sleep. "I'm right here."

I shiver, nudging my legs to intertwine with his. "Jin."

"I'm here."

I nuzzle my cheek against his warmth. "I need you."

His chest rumbles, the vibrations earning another abrupt shiver from me. "Use your words and tell me what you need."


"What do you need from me?"

"I don't...don't know." I lift my face to see his, his eyes closed and his chest rising and falling slowly. Peacefully. 

He peeks an eye open at my sudden movement, a brow raising at the sight of my eyes looking into his darker ones.

He lowers his hand to my back, tracing circles into it over and over until I forget how to breathe. "You don't know?"

I lift myself slightly, balling his shirt in my fists. "Can I stay in your bed all day?"

"I work in the afternoon."

My features drop. "Oh."

He lifts my chin, pressing his lips to mine, and the kiss is so soft that it renders me speechless even after he's pulled away.

He can be so kind, so gentle, but even at his softest, he's usually still rough. When he kissed me now, all that I felt was tenderness in its complete form.

I blink at him, pushing myself forward to kiss him again. Just as it was before, it's tender. So soft, so pure. 

I'm coming undone. 

I whisper his name, a quiet plea for more. A quiet plea for him.

Just as I was last night, I'm scared. I was scared for the morning lest his rough layer would consume him once more, but here he is as tender as the night. Now I'm afraid that when he returns from work, the roughness of the day will set fire to his form and overtake him, hiding any plausible tenderness.

"Jin," I press, my voice betraying my desperation. I can feel it clawing its way out of me right into the sheets. Maybe if he tells me he'll stay enough times, he will. 

"Relax," he instructs, soothing me with a kiss on my forehead. Patting my butt lightly, he urges me closer. "I'm not going anywhere."

I melt at his words. I melt right against his firm figure as his arms keep me to him. 

"If it's okay, can I..." I gnaw anxiously on my bottom lip, only stopping when his thumb drags it away from my teeth. 

"Can you what?" he prompts softly, soothing his thumb across my lip. 

His softness urges me to continue. "Stay with you again tonight?"

"You want to stay with me again tonight?" He squeezes my inner thigh, causing my lips to part with a silent gasp. "How do you feel?"

"Good," I breathe out. "Fine. Really good."

He lowers his thumb to my chin, caressing it lightly. "Are you telling the truth?"

I whimper when he hovers his lips over mine, close enough to touch, but never touching.

"Jin," I whine.

He brings his lips to my forehead, keeping them there for a moment before humming his approval. 

"Your fever went down." He releases me. "You can go back to your room."

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