<<<->>> Cure to Blue <<<->>>

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10 days later
"Ready to meet Blue?" A Mr. Corner asked. I nodded. My teeth where clenched as I bit my lip nervously. What if I  fell and hurt myself again?
"Classes start in four days so we better hope you don't get knocked out." Isla told me. I nodded with a chuckle. But it came out as a weak nervous sound.
"Don't worry" Julie told me like she was reading my mind. Scout let our a bark and Julie shoved some pills on her mouth.
"Ugh these taste so horrible! She groaned.
"Lets go to the car, Julie just take it easy for the next twenty minutes.We don't want you passing out on us." Mr. Corner told us as we all hopped on the car. Julie sat up the front so Mr. Corner could make sure she didn't pass out. I sat in the middle with thean and Isla on each side.
"So how's rimel?"Isla asked tucking a lock of her hair behind her sleek shoulder.
"she's getting worse." I told her. I glanced down at my hands. I held the note from Rhea. Isla gave me a massive hug. Her arms grabbed my body creating a force field from all the saddens. The gravel churned up behind the wheels as we drove away. I watched as we left the campus ground. I turned around and wished for the best.
"How long is this drive." Thean groaned. "My phone is nearly flat!" Cleary oblivious to the fact I was seconds away from tears.
"Thean, I brought a charger, it's just twenty minutes." Mr, corner told thean handing her a charger. She thanked him and plugged her sparkly blue phone in.
"This is blue." A mane with long lush brown hair told me. It was dripping over his eyes. Isla, thean and Julie where drooling over him. I bit my lip trying not laugh at them fan girling over him. I shook my head and stopped focusing on his lush hair and but my attention on the horse. The massive horse was standing proudly. He tossed his up and let out a massive neigh calling to a mare who was being led near him. Blue was tacked up on navy blue that made his coat seem white. He has small black freckles on his body but no where near enough to be a flea bitten. I ran my hand down his muzzle. It was soft and dry. He licked my hands. His tongue licked away all the saddening pain from my life.
"Wow," I whispered so quite I didn't even hear myself.
"He is... what twenty hands!?" I asked shocked.
"I knew he broke the world record but this is tall in person." I gasped. I took the tacked up horse and lead him to the mounting block .
"Thanks for getting him ready." I told Jayson. He grinned "need a leg up?" Jayson asked. I nodded and he helped me swing my leg over the stallions back.
"Can he be gelded?" I asked. Jayson in nodded and I gave him a tap. He moved into a walk. I held the reins tight as we lapped the arena. He pulled his down and did a massive bronc buck. I gripped the saddle with my legs he bucked.
"Don't worry he just testing you and being playful" Jayson called out. I pulled the reins back forcing his head up so he couldn't buck. I gave him a tap with my heels and we moved into a trot. I pulled my heels down and started to sit his trot.
"He's good" I told Isla when he suddenly flung his legs up. I leaned forward fast as he touched the sky with his hooves. I grabbed his neck and hugged it. I then slammed on the ground and bucked. I asked him for a canter and kept working we took a few laps around the arena. Sand kicked behind us as he moved with his massive stride. I slowed him to a trot and let him go over the poles that had been set up on the ground. He moved nicely with a sweet gait. I pulled my leg back and gently pulled on the reins to get him into a collected trot. We swept the arena changing form collected trot to canter.
"Can I jump him?" I asked, they all nodded and I headed to a row of jumps well over a meter. I guessed there is about ten jumps. I gave him a few circles and we headed to the first jump. I pulled myself forward and he lept over it. My stomach muscles ached, so did my heart. I reluctantly pulled my hands off the reins. I spread them out as we came to the next jumps. I gripped the saddle with my leg's tightly. I leaned forward and we flew over the jump. The second we hit the ground we took off again and and again I picked up the reins as we landed on the end of the row and turned him to a massive jump. Nearly two meters. I held the reins and started counting the strides as we came to it. I leaned forward and I felt him fly over the jump. Blue stretched his body over the length of the jump. I let my body fall on his neck. He started his descent and I pulled my body back and we landed on the other side.
"OH MY GOD YES BLUE" I yelled. I leaded forward and have him a massive pat his pulled his head up and gave a proud buck.
"How much?" I asked slowing him to a halt. I looked up and noticed everyone's jaws dropped.
"What." I asked playing with his mane.
"You jumped over two meters." Jayson said with a shocked voice.
"I've never seen Blue even jump close to that high. How much you got?" He asked walking over giving blue a pat.
"Five hundred thousand" I replied.
"Sold." He told me with a smile.
Blue cured my Blue

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