<<<->>> stand off <<<->>>

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I followed the noise and heard Alicia and mr. Corner.
"Alicia! How many times have I told you to stop swearing!" Mr. Corner yelled.
"Dad calm down. Alex is a spoilt brat. He is so mean!" Alica yelled back.
"He gave your friend a bad rating. No need to try and attack him!"
"Alex is a fucking idiot!" Alicia screamed.
"Alicia. I'm this close to banning your from riding." A voice screamed. I sat down and lay my body agaist the rooms shed outside.
"Alex earned his way onto the team just like you." Alicias dad yelled back.
"Well Alex is so fucking annoying. He keeps putting me and all my friends down. He's a little piece of shit." Alicia screamed back.
"Hope you like shopping cause you just brought yourself a week of no riding." Mr. Corner told Alicia. Alica gurmbled and slammed the door open hitting me in the face. The door slammed shut.
"DON'T SLAM DOOR. ALICIA HALLY CORNER GET BACK HERE." Mr. Corner yelled flinging the door open hitting me in the face. After they where out of view I fell to the ground and rubbed my face.
"Owwww owwww owwwww owwwww owwwwwwwww. That freaking hurt owwwwwwww owwww" I grounded getting up. I ran to the stable and saw Alicia getting on gems back.
"Alicia you dad will murder You!" I yelled grabbing her and shoving her to the ground. My iPhone rang.
"Go to blues stall." A Siri like voice said. The phone ended. Alicia looked at me.
"I guess we go to blues stall?" Alicia asked. I nodded and walked down.
"Hey blue!" I gave him a pat and noticed a note on his blanket
Go to your dorm
I gave blue a pat and basically sprinted to my dorm, I shoved the door open. Julie was alseep on her desk. Scout was asleep on my bed.
"I don't see anything." I whispered careful not to wake Julie up. Scout walked over to me and I noticed a note.
Go to the parking lot
"Gosh this is a lot of walking." I gave scout a pat and left the room with Alicia.
Once we got to the parking lot I saw Flin.
"Hey baby!" I told him hugging him.
"I got you something." He walked down and pulled down a horse float and lead down a tiny mini horse.
"Flin?" I asked looking at the small pony.
"I found out he is Rimel's half brother. He was going to a kill pen auction so I brought him." Flin told me. I jumped into his arms. Tears streamed down my face. Flin dropped the leadrope and hugged me.
"Whats his name?" I asked whipping away tears. I stroked the geldings long thick mane.
"Hello snickers." I gave him a kiss on his muzzle.
"You didnt have to get me a horse!" I tolf flin stroking his hair.
"Babe, I did." He told me.
"Wait, how did you know to come here? I didnt text you yet.." flin asked sounding suspicious.
"I got your notes. And a call." I told him.
"Hello Aella." A voice said. Frasier.
"What are you doing here?" I asked moving snickers away. I noticed alica texting someone on her phone. Probably her dad.
"What do we do?" I asked through gritted teeth.
"I dunno." Flin told me. Frasier walked over and grabbed snickers leadrope. Snickers reared up. His ears where planted flat back. Snickers turned around and bucked causing Frasier to fall over. He dropped the lead rope and snickers walked away behind me. Frasier walked up to me and reached out for my neck.
"Guys? A little help?" I asked panicking. Then out of no where I Alicia threw her phone at his head. He took his hands of my neck to rub his head. I backed away slowly.
"Any reply from you dad?" I asked as Frasier came closer and closer.
"I threw my phone I have no idea." Alica told me. Frasier reached out and grabbed flin forcing him to the ground. Flin let out a loud scream.
"I think my arm is broken!" He yelled.
"Fuck." I whispered as I backed away. Snickers cantered over and reared up to stop Frasier but Frasier just grabbed snickers by the muzzle and flipped him over. I kept backing up.
"Can you run flin?" I asked. He nodded. We looked at eachother. I took the lead rope of snickers and we just ran. Snicker was galloping on a path of grass neck to us.
"Where is everyone?" I asked running out of breath.
" its movie night!" Flin yelled. I felt a rope catch me by the neck. I stumbled back wards and slammed into the ground. I tried to get up but every bone in my body was in intense pain. I lay there staring at the sky. Frasier reached down and grabbed me by the neck. He tightened my grin. The breath ran out of my lungs. I noticed the sound of a dog barking.
"Julie?" I asked. My breath was running low and the world was moving and blurred. Out of the corner of my blurred vision I saw scout leap up and bite Frasier. His moved away and his hands fell off my neck. I started coughing as I lay weak on the ground.
"Flin! Your hurt, get a adult." Julie yelled. Flin nodded and Ran.
Alicia grabbed the leadrope that had been used to strangle me tied Frasier hands. Julie sat down neck to me.
"It's okay. Dont worry Aella." Julie told me stroking my hair.
"I-i-I-I, c-c-ca-can-cant, b-b-b-breathe." I stuttered. The last of the air left my body. I fell limp to the ground. The world crumbled into a all to fimular black.

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