<<<->>> WORST day of my life <<<->>>

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"WAKE UP" a male voice screamed.
"Flin, it's six." I groaned sitting up. Julie pulled her eye mask off and sat up.
"Go back to bed!" Julie yelled
"The results are out!" Flin yelled
"Shut up julie." I yelled playfully. I opened my laptop and changed to my school account. We all opened our iPads, phones and laptops and began reading.

Aella Gold test results
Dear Aella,
During you test you had massive problems that I would expect from a beginner.
"Well that is a great opening sentence." I yelled shoving my head into the pillow. Julie kept reading and shoved my head from the pillow to the screen.
So you will be placed on the beginner team. Next semester you can tryout for the expert team.
With regards,

"FUC-" I screamed. I slammed my head on the desk repeatedly.
"Aella?" Flin asked stroking my hair.
"He put me on the beginner team." I screamed.
"What!? Your the best rider I have seen." Flin told me. Julie looked up and glared at eachother. They nodded and left the room with out a word.
"Guys? I'm having a mental breakdown?" I called out as the closed the door. I slammed my laptop down. Then I opened it up.
"Oops." I whispered as I saw a crack, this time closed it carefully enough not to break the screen but express my my anger.
"How could he put my on the looser team," I cried. Scout jumped onto my lap and licked my head. I stuffed  my face into his neck and cried.
"Should I put blue up sale? We don't work." I told scout. "I miss rimel," I told scout. He turned his head and made a small bark. I followed his nose and noticed a massive bar of chocolate.
"Okay thanks scout." I told the sweet dog. I got up and grabbed the bar. I got back on the bed and put on a feel good movie about a girl and her horse that was a wild wild mustang. I ripped the wrapper open and shoved choclate into my mouth.
The credits rolled and the door opened.
"Oh my god! Aella." Flin screamed. Scout was asleep on Jules bed. I had packets of chips and Choclate and other stuff that would kill me all over my bed.
"Where did you go?" I asked taking a bite of a cookie and placing it on my lap.
"To talk to Mr. Corner." Julie told me stepping out from behind Flin.
"About? How I shouldn't even be at RWA?" I told them shoving crisps in my mouth.
"About how he was an idiot for placing you on the beginner team." He told me.
"Did you say the world idiot?" I asked.
"No...." Julie sheepishly told me.
"Julie!" I yelled covering my mouth.
" I told him he was a Fuc-"
"YOU DID WHAT?" I screamed.
"He could bump you down to my group." I told them flinging my hands around like a crazy person.
"he didn't he just yelled at us to get out of his office or he would suspend us for the rest of the term." Flin told me as if that threat was nothing.
" I'm gonna sell blue. We don't work." I told Julie who was grabbing a soda from the mini fridge.
"Don't!" Julie yelled. Then she paused. "Are you a hundred percent sure?" Julie asked.
"Yeah, I'll email Jayson." I told Flin and Julie. I pulled up my email.

Return on Blue
Hey Jayson! Me and blue aren't working out. He is a great horse but we just don't click. He has been bucking me off and don't think we work well together. He is a great horse but just not for me. I will give him back along with all of his grooming and tack including the stuff brought for him recently.
From, Aella
I hit send and sighed.
"Lets go horse shopping!" Julie and Flin yelled, we plopped on the couch and opened up my laptop. I scrolled down a few pages of horses for sale.
"Too old, too young, too small, too expensive, too far away. Not enough information." I sighed as I scrolled to end of the last page.
"Nothing." Julie groaned.
"Click on this add!" Flin told me moving the mouse and clicking on a banner ad.
"London..." I told myself as I read the ad.
"She is so pretty. Wow! And she is only three minutes away." I squealed.
"She is also gorgeous and will help you become a better rider!" Julie exclaimed as she looked over the ad
"Mr. Corner will def make his own new team just for you two!" Flin piped in.
"I dunno if I even wanan ride anymore." I told flin and julie as my mood changed.
"I'm going." I told everyone with a angry tone. I left the room and headed to the stable. Blue threw his head up.
"We don't work. I'm gonna sell you back." I rod blue as climbed in his stall. I sat down in the corner and shoved my Head into my knees. Blue picked up a blanket that was hanging over the stall wall with his mouth. He dropped it over my head. I looked up and even more tears fell from my eyes. I ran my hand over the blanket. It was Rimel's. Blue lay down and placed his head in my lap. I leaned forward and hugged his neck.
"I love you Blue. I'll keep,you." I yelled hugging his dappled neck. I leaned on the wall and stroked his head for what felt like years.
"Aella! Aella!" I heard voices yell.
"I'm here! I'm here!" I yelled. Julie and Flin looked over the door.
"Keeping him huh?" I nodded.
"I'll leave you be." Julie told me. The second Julie left flin opened the door and closed it.
"Kiss me baby" he told me. I plunged my lips into his face. We fell to the ground and I started grabbing his hair. With a struggle we stood up and made our way out of the door. I kissed him as we moved to the hay loft. We fell into the pile. I kissed him hard.
"Your the best." I yelled hugging him. We fell off eachother and onto the pile. He leaned forward and placed his head on my chest. I'm placed my hand over his head and closed my eyes.
"Love you" I whispered.

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