<<<->>> bonding with the devil <<<->>>

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"I'll write a note to your teachers to give you the week off classes." A woman told me. I nodded and got of the bed in her Room.
"You can still visit the stable, but no mucking or feeding so your dont hurt yourself more." The blonde haired told me. I nodded, thanked her and left the room.
"I'm gonna check on blue." I hurried away to the stable. The smell of horses and hay claimed my nerves and worked better then any amount of movies and Choclate. I walked into blues stable. Blue had his head down and his butt facing to the door.
"Hey buddy." I whispered. His ears swiveled back for a second then moved back against hos head.
"I'm not mad blue, we just had a bad lesson." I paused. " a bad few weeks." Blue stepped forward a few centimetres and forced his head into the corner. I grabbed a curry comb from my tack box outside of the stable door. I ran it over his body and slowly his ears moved forward a little more.
"Why do you buck bud?" I asked giving him a pat on his thick neck. Blue lowered head down.
"I'm not mad Blue! I love you. I just wanna know. I could get hurt." I told blue. Blue lifted up and reared.
"BLUE!" I screamed. " dont you see my point?." I screeched. I walked out of his stable when I heard a neigh. I turned back and noticed blue bobbing his head holding a comb in his mouth. I walked over and he dropped it into my hand. It was Rimel's brush.
"I'm so sorry!" I yelled through tears planting my hands around his stallion neck in a massive hug.
"Maybe we should. I dunno. Why do we hate each other blue?" I asked blue. Blue tossed his head up and reared. My phone screen lit up. I grabbed my phone and noticed a email from mr. Corner
I know you and blue have had incredible struggles and had a bad fall during your trial session. But you have incredible ridng skills and an incredible seat. With some more practice and working with blue and bonding with him I think you can be on the professional team. So with that welcome to the professional Team! You wont be able to show with Blue as you have to be eighteen to show a stallion but we can work around that.
- mr. Corner
"WE DID IT BLUE! WE DID IT! WE DID IT! WE MADE THE TEAM!" I yelled hugging his neck. Blue reared up happily. I grabbed the door and shoved it open. I grabbed a handful of horse treats from a bucket and opened my hand. Blue happily wolfed down the treats.
"I'm not meant to ride but... oh well." I grabbed his bridle and slipped it over his sleek face. I grabbed a bare back back saddle pad and did up the girth. I clipped my helmet on and I lead him to the mounting block and hopped on. I gave his neck a pat and rode him away to the trails. Once we hit the trails I let blue trot. I held the reins as we came to a jump. I moved blue to the smaller jump. Blue lifted up and went over the jump with ease.
"Atta boy." I gave him heaps of pats and worked on jumping the course. I slowed him once we finshed the last jump. We came out into a massive open field with sunflowers. Without a thought I gave him a kick and we moved into a massive gallop. My face lit up. Memories of galloping through a sunflower field with rimel covered my thoughts. This time I didnt cry. I took my hand off the reins and let him gallop faster and faster. The sunflowers got tamed under his hooves. Blue moved faster and faster. I reached and grabbed the reins as he went faster and faster. The wind slammed down my face. Mud flung onto my face and clothes. My body slipped backwards as blue hit breakneck speed. I grabbed onto his mane as he moved to eye watering speeds. I took one hand of the reins to cover my face.
"FASTER FASTER" I yelled as he moved to a flat out gallop. Blue was defiantly going faster then most famous racehorses. Blue kicked his legs out in a buck happily. I slipped onto his neck but rebalanced myself. We ran out of the sunflower field and down to a field that stretched for miles. I rose up off his back. I rested my hands on his neck and let him run. My breath fell short as blue moved faster.
"Easy buddy. Come on stop." I pulled on the reins trying to get him to stop but didnt. Blue turned around suddenly nearly thowing me off. He moved into a fast gallop and headed back. I closed my eyes for a second and felt him move under me. I opened my eyes and noticed myself back at the stable. I slid off blues back and lead him back to the stable. I slipped his tack off and let him back into his stable. Blue rubbed his head gently over my chest. I laughed and gave him a scratch behind his ears. I left the room and blue let out a loud neigh.
"I'll be back tomorrow. For now I'll grab a salt lick." I hurried to the stable fridge and opened up a slightly cold room and pulled out a salt lick. Anyone could use it but you could only take one a week. I grabbed it and hurried back to blue. I used a quick relase Knott to tie it up too the tying ring. Blue hurried over and started licking it.
" we have riding after school tomorrow so rest up bud." I told him. I gave blue a pat and he turned his head and licked my arm.

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