<<<->>> god may forgive you but won't <<<->>>

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" i talked to the Mrs. Lee and she said having a stallion is fine if he is turned out with geldings." Mr. Corner told me as I lead Blue into the crossties. I grinned happily. Suddenly heart sank.
"Is rimel okay?" I asked, I watched as he closed his eyes. And took a breath.
"She's not gonna make it past next week." His voice told me. My body fell limp. My legs became jelly.
"I lost Rhea and her." I yelled falling to the ground. Blue reached down and nuzzled my shoulder.
"I had her for years." I whispered. Mr corner have me a hug. "Call my mum. I'm leaving Riverwood." My voice changed to a monotone sound.
"Aella." He took a breath. "Your one of the best riders have ever seen in my ten year career. I want you to keep riding" he told me.
"What do I do without rimel?" I asked through chocked tears.
"You make her proud and Rhea." He told me.
"Don't you dare bring Rhea into this" I hissed. I left blue in the cross ties and walked out of the stable. Even though It was super hot outside I felt cold. Every sound I made echoed. Every breath louder then a lion roar. I pulled my shirt sleeves down to keep me warm. I opened up the door into the hallway. I looked down at my shoes like a prisoner on death row heading to there doom. I jammed the key into the lock and opened it up.
"Hey-" Julie told me. "Quick ride?" She asked not knowing anything was wrong.
"Rimel has-" my phone ringing cut me off.
"Hello?" I asked.
"I'm sorry. Rimel just passed away." A female solemn voice spoke.
"W-what?" I whispered. My heart clenched up and it broke into a million pieces. Mentally I picked up all the pieces. But one was missing. That piece had gone down with her.
"Rimel still had-" I whispered.
"I know." The voice told. The phone hung up. Julie walked over to me, she reached out to hug me but I just got up. I left the room and walked down to the stable. Blue was in his stable. I start running to where Rimel's stall was. I yanked the rope away where the stable door was meant to be. I noticed her halter on her the ground. I picked it up and ran my finger across the leather. I opned the tack trunk and picked her bridle up. I ran my hand along the nose band. I yanked my hand away when I felt a sharp stabbing pain. I looked at my fingers and they had very small dots of blood.
"What?" I asked myself. I ran my hand all across the bridle and it was covered in small needles. I dropped it on the ground and pulled the saddle out. The entire saddle was covered in tiny needles.
"What-" I yelled, I grabbed the boots. There was a massive needle that was very thin. I ran my hand along it.
"Blood." I told myself. I dropped the boots and ran to Mr. Corners office. I didn't even bother knocking I just opened it up.
"Aella? I'm in a meeting." Mr, corner said crossing his arms.
"I found needles all over Rimel's tack." I has barley finshed when he stood up and bolted past me. I gave the two men a weak smile and ran after Mr. Corner. We sprinted to her stall.
"The needles would of caused her pain. And the needles in her spine where very dangerous." Mr. Corner spoke to me. I looked at the saddle cloth and noticed more needles.
"No wonder she didn't make it."
"I'm calling some people I'll be back." He left. I sat down blaming myself.
"Who would of done this?" I asked myself out loud. I heard the sound of a dog running and feet. I glanced up and saw Julie, thean and Isla.
"THEY. THEY. THEY, THEY PUT NEEDLES ON HER TACK. THEY KILLED RIMEL." I yelled ramming my hands into the needles onto the saddle. A hand jerked me away.
"Aella, you'll hurt yourself" a male voice told me. I guessed he was one of the teachers but he sounded younger.
"I don't care, they killed my horse." I said looking up. I noticed it was a boy around my age he was Albiono.
"Wait needles?" He picked one up and looked at it.
"No. Way." The white haired boy told me. "That must of been my roommate...." The boy stood up and sprinted away.
"Aella. Come with me." A man i hadn't seen told me I followed him. I was lead into a room near the stable. It was used for riding team meetings. About every rider that near my age group was on there.
"As you all know Aella Gold's horse passed, we found out it was due to needles in the tack. Confess now or everyone is bannded from riding for two months" Mr. Corner hissed. His hands where planted on the desk. Everyone stared at there fingers.
" I know who the culprit is. Every minute they don't confess up is a month without riding for the whole school." He yelled. A few people flinched.
"You just gonna kill me horse and not cough up? I hope you to hell." I whispered. My voice might of been nearly silent but everyone heard. We sat for what felt like years.
"If someone doesn't cough up now I will suspend everyone from riding for the rest of the year!" He yelled. He slammed his fists on the table making the whole table shake. Tears stung my eyes.
"Rimel was starved and beaten, I tried to give her a good life and you killed her in the most painful way for a horse to die." My voice was monotone but sadness still leaked through.
"You took my bestfriend from me, my sister died and now your taking my horse." I whispered through tears.
"This is it." I whispered. "FRASIER YOU KILLED MY HORSE" I screamed. I jumped from I chair and shoved him to the ground. My fists hit his body.
"YOU KILLED MY HORSE" I yelled punching him harder. He got up and kicked me. Within seconds we where fighting. Somone tried to pull me away but I elbowed them in the face. Then about five sets of hands grabbed onto me and pulled me away from him. I noticed some blood on my cheek but I kept kicking him as I was dragged away.
"I'm not done." I told the people through gritted teeth. I shoved them away and jumped on him. I rammed my fists into his body.
"AELLA! STOP" A female voice yelled.
"HE KILLED MY HORSE NOW I'LL KILL HIM" I screeched. I rammed my fists into his evil body until a hand grabbed me and shoved me away.
"Aella." I grabbed me and managed to get me to sit down.
"Frasier, Aella come with me"

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