<<<->>> meetings, movies, rides <<<->>>

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I sat in the chair in the headmistress office. The headmistress was a old lady who was very strict and looked very angry. A man and woman walked on looking very angry. Frasier was sitting opposite me. A laptop was open with my parents who where very angry.
"Hello everyone." Mrs. Lee said in an incredibly angry voice. " I have been running this school in for thirty years. Never has anyone even put needles on a riders tack. You killed a horse." Mrs. Lee scolded. I grabbed my leggings and clenched my eyes shut.
"You killed my daughters horse!" My dad yelled over Call. My eyes opened wide. My dad has never cared about Rimel I was surprised he even agreed to appear.
"I'm so sorry! Please don't punish him he's just a child." The woman begged who I presumed was the mother.
"He's gonna be expelled" Mr. Corner told them.
"No it will ruin his life!" The father begged,
"Oh where gonna do much worse." My dad said crossing his fingers.
"Where pressing chargers and sending your child to jail." My dad yelled.
"Aella please leave." Mr. Corner asked. I nodded  left closing the door. I walked away down to the stable.
"Hey Blue" I slipped a halter over his face. I tied the other side of the rope to the halter. I gave him a pat the grabbed my helmet that was resting on a hook outside the stable door. I clipped it on and lead the massive horse over to the fence. I climbed up it and with a great struggle I managed to get on.
"I need to ride." I told him. I picked a crop from the cone on the ground. My leggings made me slip on the silky fur that covered his  back. I turned him into the arena and we walked a few laps.

After warming up I trotted him to the jumping trails. The jumping trails for riding alone where wide with small jumps. If you wanted to jump with someone you could take the 'groups trails' that had bigger jumps. I gave him a kick and we bolted into a fast canter. As his hooves left the ground I felt his white coat fade into the paint coat of Rimel. I shook my head and he turned back to Blue. I pulled the rope-reins closer as we came to a jump. I let him take the jumps. They where small solid jumps. I pulled the rope reins back and sighed.
"I miss Rimel." I told Blue. I fell onto his thick white neck and started crying. I rubbed my eyes and moved him back into a canter. I jumped the wood logs until I made back to the end of the trail.
"I better get ready for school, it's in two days. I turned blue around and headed to the long gallop course. I pushed him into a gallop and he moved as fast as he could down the track. I gave him a hug as we came to the end of the trail. I took him to his stable and brushed him down. I gave him hay nets and walked back to my dorm.
"How did things go?" Julie asked
"No idea, they are dealing with it without me." I told her pulling my helmet off snd shoving it in my wardrobe. I tore of my sneakers and dumped them in a pile of me and Julie's shoes. I yanked my hair tie out and grabbed a backpack that was pastel oranges, reds and yellows .
"So many books." I groaned reading the list.
"Why is the classes so like basic, like no-" I asked. Julie has been at Riverwood from year five so three years so she knows this stuff.
"The first semester is like that then it gets crazy. Like horse anatomy and other stuff." Julie groaned stuffing a massive math book in her bag. I shoved heaps of random stuff I figured I needed into my bag.
"Why don't we watch a movie?" Julie asked me.
"Sure." I told her grabbing a blanket. Julie pulled out a massive bag of junk food. The sodas and heaps of other stuff to rot our teeth. We flopped on the couch. Within a few clicks of buttons we where playing baby boss. I opened up a bag of chips and started stuffing my face.
"You like any of the boys on campus?" Julie asked me giving scout a pat behind his pointy ears.
"I haven't met any apart from Frasier and that hot albiono boy." I snickered.
"Oh yeah, his name is flin." Julie told me. I grinned then heard the knock on the door.
"Coming!" I called and got up and opened it.
"Hey!" I called out seeing Flin.
"I'm sorry about Frasier." He told me.
"All good, umm what's your name?" I asked acting like I had no idea what his name was.
"Flin, Flin Whickin" Flin told me .
"Mr. Corner wants to talk to you." He told me leaving. I waved goodbye to Julie and hurried after Flin. I walked to the stable and saw Mr. Corner.
"Just letting you know that Frasier has been arrested and fined half a million dollars." Mr. Corner told me.
"Cool." I whispered.
" I miss Rimel." I told him.
"I know you do. Well you better get ready for school." He told me and left me standing alone.
"Oh yeah tryouts are tomorrow , meet at four" Mr. Corner told me as he walked away. I nodded and reached over blue's stall.
"You so sweet buddy." I whispered kissing his soft muzzle.
"I guess we should do some jumping." I told him. I grabbed his lead rope and lead him to the crossties. I told him up with a quick relse Knott and started brushing him. He bobbed his head in delight. I grabbed his pink saddle pad and placed ot on him. Then the saddle and bridle.
"Ugh my helment is back at my dorm." I groaned  as I rummaged through the tack trunk.
"Have mine spare." A clam sexy voice told me. I turned my head and saw Flin.
"Oh hey, thanks!" I stuttered, I felt blush creep up my neck.
"Can I ride with you?" He asked pushing his hair behind his ear.
"Yeah." I told him. His eyes where white with hint of red and blue.
"Be back in a sec, let me grab my horse." He walked away and turned his head and gave me a sweet smile.
A/N thanks to the one person reading, your the reason I keep writing this ❤️

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