<<<->>> Roommate dream <<<->>>

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I pulled my phone into the charger on the wall and stared at the wallpaper of Rimel when she first let me pat her. I let out a smile then the door creaked open. I glanced up from my phone. I was surrounded by a wall of boxes and couldn't see who had opened the door.
"Bee?" I asked guessing it was the dorm monitor checking in on me.  I shoved away a box of clothes and it fell to the ground. Heaps of clothes tumbled to the floor. A stunning girl with nearly white hair and deep blue eyes with flawless skin appeared in my view.
"Hey! I'm Julie!" She told me dropping a box full of horse gear. Bridles, halters and saddle pads tumbled onto the floor .
"Eh, I'll clean later." She told me and made her way over to me.
"Hey Julie. I'm Aella." I told her standing up and shoving away the clothes from my path with my shoe.
"I wanna show you something." Julie told me and left the room. A fuzzy border collie like dog ran into the room. It had a service dog vest on it.
"Awh! Why does he have a vest?" I asked giving the dog a pat.
"I have a disorder where I can randomly faint. He lets out a bark and lets me know i might pass out. and then i take these pills." She told giving her dog a pat.
"Anyways his name is Scout." Julie told me. Scout jumped up on me and I gave him some pats.
"What about when you ride?"I asked falling onto my bed that I still hadn't made,
"My horse, Cinnamon has been trained to do a special neigh and I take these." Julie told me showing me a picture of a Harlinger mare. The mare looked more chestnut like only with a cream kinda mane. The horse Was stocky but  looked very fit.
"She's so cute." I told Julie. With a gentle smile. On the photo the mare was rearing up with her legs tucked up calmly.
"Do you have a horse?" Julie asked sitting on her bed,
"Yep, her name is Rimel and she's about four." I showed her a picture. In the photo rimel was bucked and I was flying out the saddle.
"How much did that hurt?" Julie asked laughing.
"I got knocked out and broke both my arms, one leg and a few ribs and nearly my spine?" I told Julie sheepishly.
"Jesus!" Julie screamed.
"She's a rescue so a crazy horse but a great jumper if you manage to stay on in time for the jump." I laughed.
"Lets see the horses! Come on!" Julie told me grabbing my arm and scout's lead. She dragged me out of the room by the arm. As I was pulled forward I kicked the door shut hoping that no one would break in.
"Julieeeeeee" I screamed as I was dragged down the path to the stable. She yanked me into the stable and stopped. I slid to a halt in-front of an adorable horse.
"This my horse cinnamon. She's seven years old." Julie told me. I reached my hand out and gave the mare a gentle pat across her neck. She let out a small nicked and Julie gave the mare a playful shove.
"Tell me about her." I asked Julie giving the sweet mare a pat.
"We brought her from a breeder three years back when she was four, she was unbroken and hadn't been handled other the halted once of twice for vet checks. I broke her in within a few months we where showing at super high levels." Julie explained.
"Now show me Rimel!" Julie ordered trying to sound like she was a general but ended up bursting into a laugh. I nodded and gave her a friendly chuckle. We walked a few hundred meters through a isle of stalls till I saw cookie and Rimel.
"What!" I asked as I noticed Thean holding Rimel who was trying to rear and buck but She had a grip on the halter so she wouldn't hurt herself or anyone. Mr, corner was tying a rope on each side of the stable frame where the door should be.
"What's wrong?" I asked hurrying over to grab the halter from Theans grasp.
"Rimel was bucking and broke the door." Thean told me. I looked down and saw the door on on the ground with hoof marks.
"I'm so sorry." I told Mr, corner. Rimel's ears had been pulled back and she was bucking. I yanked her head down then held it up so she couldn't buck.
"What are we gonna do?" I asked gripping the lead rope as she tried to rear.
"Maybe, we can move her into a special stall." Mr. Corner told me as he rubbed his chin like a Chinese monk.
"What does that mean?" I asked holding her tighter.
"Come on. Bring Rimel." The brown haired man told me and I followed him.
"Here." I peered inside. It was massive like a small paddock. There was hay nets and heaps of toys for her. Along with padded walls.
"It is nice." I told thean and Mr. Corner with a sceptical tone. I opened it and let rimel in. She moved around kicking the walls rearing.
"I have an idea." Thean hurried away leaving me and Mr. Corner alone.
"Why is she like that ,Aella?, with the bucking, rearing and stuff." Mr. Corner asked me.
"She was abused horribly. She was starved so she's very agressive and hates tight spaces. She broke the trailer here" I told him and Thean came in holding a mini horse.
"Meet Bitey" she told me. The small horse was a dun and let out a small nicker.
"Thean?" Mr. Corner asked not looking interested in her idea.
"A friend for Rimel. She's not gonna buck if she has a friend who will calm her down. Bitey will bite her if she acts up." Thean told me. I nodded and we let snickers inside. Rimel pulled her head and gave him a nuzzle, snicker lifted up on his hind legs and placed his front hooves on rimel. He stood there with his hooves sticking out. He stumbled around kind of hopping on two legs while still keeping his hooves in on Rimel's side.  Rimel flung her head around and gave him a nudge pushing him back into line.
"Awh, best friends" thean told us sticking her lip out.
"Now, girls remember tryouts is in three days so I say practice." Mr. Corner told us and walked away.
"He's right. Tack up and meet in the main arena in a hour ?" Julie told me.
"What about scout?" I asked.
"Mr. Corner said I can just tie him up in the arena, he put a dog bed in there" Julie told me. I nodded.
"Okay meet in a hour" thean told me and we all hurried away on different directions to go change into our riding clothes and tack up.

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